
1970 年



02-2621-5656 #2382



宗旨與收稿範圍 Aims and Scope

教育資料與圖書館學(ISSN 1013-090X [Print]、2309-9100 [Online])係採開放取用(Open Access)與商業資料庫付費途徑,雙軌發行之國際學術期刊,兼具電子版與紙本之平行出版模式。本刊除秉持學術規範與同儕評閱精神外,亦積極邁向InfoLibrary寓意之學域整合與資訊數位化理念,以反映當代圖書資訊學研究趨勢、圖書館典藏內容與應用服務為本;且以探討國內外相關學術領域之理論與實務發展,包括圖書館學、資訊科學與科技、書業與出版研究等,並旁及符合圖書資訊應用發展之教學科技與資訊傳播論述。

Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences (JoEMLS; ISSN 1013-090X [Print], 2309-9100 [Online]) is an international scholarly journal which adopts the model of Open Access as well as the regular fee-based commercial database. JoEMLS publishes articles both in paper and digital formats simultaneously. Based on the belief of InfoLibrary that emphases on integrating disciplines and digitization of information, we strive to actively reflect current trends in the field by abiding scholarly ethics and peer-review process. Our aims is to publish research findings and developments of theories in the areas of library and archival contents and applications, library science, information science, information technology, and the publishing business, etc. In addition to these core concerns, studies on educational technology and communication relating to applications in library and information science are also much welcomed.

Open Point:開放式同儕評閱機制 Open Peer Review

本刊新採行「開放觀點」(Open Point)機制,以求彰顯作者與審稿者之間的對話與論證的寶貴文字紀錄,並鼓勵雙方在同意公開的評論意見與回應中充分闡述見解。在這種良性的「開放式同儕評閱」(Open Peer Review)模式中,這些對話內容足以使更多學者窺見已被刊登論文背後,許多同樣值得被理解與被引用的觀點。這項機制有助於我們的作者、審稿者、讀者享有更真實的學術傳播精華。

本刊所採OPR制度經過縝密籌劃與設計,考慮了諸多因素,包括:公開作者歷次審查意見之回覆內容,以及徵詢論文評閱者姓名與審查意見之開放意願。此外,本刊亦將維持邀請之主導權、意見暨答辯內容之表單設計、意見暨答辯主文之引文格式制定、數位物件識別碼(Digital Object Identifier,簡稱DOI)之給予,以及本刊OPR編務行政流程之規劃、電子版OPR版面設計等。

Our journal has newly adopted the Open Point system, for illuminating precious records of dialogues and argumentations between authors and reviewers, and for encouraging them to express freely their discourses and opinions in comments and responses which both the parties agree to make public. In this well-intentioned mode of Open Peer Review, the presentation of dialogue contents enables more scholars to see viewpoints worth understanding and citing behind the published manuscripts. This mechanism helps our authors, reviewers and readers to receive authentic and substantial essence of academic communication.

The OPR model adopted in JoEMLS has been carefully planned and designed, with consideration of various factors, including the disclosure of the authors’ responses to previous reviews, and manuscript reviewers’ willingness to open their names and review comments. In addition, JoEMLS hold the decisive power of inviting submissions of manuscripts, design of forms of review opinions and responses, citation formats of review opinions and rebuttal letters, assigning of digital object identifier (DOI), planning of editorial workflow for adopting OPR in our journal, and the layout design of an OPR journal in digital format.


ForeSight:即期電子預刊本服務  Electronic Article in Press

「先知先覺」(ForeSight)電子預刊本服務,即時將本刊已完成同儕評閱、修訂、初校之個別接受稿,在尚未集結其他同刊期稿件正式印行之前,得以優先迅速公開於本刊網路版。其目的在於展現JoEMLS電子期刊應有之優勢、舒緩Early Bird作者翹首引盼之苦、彌補出版時滯(Publication lag)之缺憾。

ForeSight is a digital article in press service of JoEMLS, which makes a rapid publication possible on the Journal’s website for the work that has finished its peer-reviews and revisions but not yet in the formal printing process of the paper version. ForeSight is an unique feature of JoEMLS that can effectively shorten the publication lag and make the work publicly accessible in no time.

InSight Point:文章導讀簡報 Article Summary

「捷點」(InSight Point)文章導讀簡報,由本刊提供專用簡報模板,作者在稿件接受刊登後可結合大作內的文字、圖像或表格等重點素材,製成8至10張英文投影片簡報檔,並回傳本刊進行後續加值服務,其目的在於為求快速傳達本刊文章精髓,並且考量讀者閱讀方便性,俾利學術傳播。

For the InSight Point, after a manuscript is accepted, a power point template (PPT) is provided for authors to produce a file of 8 to 10 pages incorporating main elements of their manuscripts, including texts, images or diagrams, and then send it back to our journal for the subsequent value-added services. The goal of this mechanism is for rapidly conveying main points of articles in our journal and for enhancing readability, in order to facilitate academic communication.


開放取用政策 Open Access Policy

在作者授權及版權宣告(CC BY-NC 4.0)之基礎下,讀者可經由本刊網站立即取得本刊全文資料。我們遵從DOAJ對於開放取用(Open Access)的定義以及布達佩斯宣言(Budapest Open Access Initiative,BOAI)所稱:「允許使用者去閱讀、下載、複製、傳播、列印、搜尋這些作品;或者是連結到其他的全文資料,並替這些OA文獻製作索引,俾使這些文獻能夠為大眾合法使用,同時無經濟、法律或技術層面之使用困擾;但其唯一限制乃在於重製與散佈過程中,必須賦予作者對於其作品完整的控制權,確保其作品得以被人正確引述」。讀者無須註冊即可閱讀本刊內容,本刊亦不向投稿者及作者收取文章處理費(article processing charge,APC)。

With the author’s authorization and based on Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 4.0), readers can immediately obtain full texts for free, online via our journal website. We comply with the DOAJ definition on Open Access, and the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) which means we allow and provide “free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited.” There is no requirement for readers to register to read the contents of JoEMLS, and JoEMLS does not charge article processing charge (APC) to contributors and authors.


典藏政策 Archiving Policy

JoEMLS向來以「綠色期刊出版者」(Green Publisher / Journal)自居,同意且鼓勵作者將自己投稿至JoEMLS之稿件,不論同儕評閱修訂稿與否,都能自行善加利用處理,但希望有若干限制:

  1. 勿將已刊登之修訂稿(post-print)再自行轉為營利目的之使用;
  2. 典藏版以期刊排印之PDF檔為首選;
  3. 任何稿件之典藏版本皆須註明其與JoEMLS之關係或出版後之卷期出處。

JoEMLS supports the notion of “Green Publisher/Journal” and encourages authors to make the best use of the manuscript that is submitted to JoEMLS. However, it is our expectation that authors should be aware of the followings:

  1. Do not make any commercial use of post-prints.
  2. PDF format should be adopted for the archival version.
  3. Any archival version of the article should have a clear statement of its relationship with JoEMLS and the volume information.

回溯典藏資料庫 Archival Database


The JoEMLS Archival Database collects back issues since its first publication in March 1970. JoEMLS takes the advantage of digital repository and extends the life of critical references and make them openly accessible for scholarly research for the benefit of our research community. We will continue to our best as a repository manager and hopefully to have your full support and authorization. For future enquiry, please contact the Editorial Office.

第三方典藏政策 Third Party Repository Policy

為符合當代數位物件典藏趨勢,本刊文章數位檔已同步典藏於國家圖書館「臺灣期刊論文索引系統」(Taiwan Periodical Literature,https://tpl.ncl.edu.tw/NclService/JournalQuery)。此外,目前本刊正計畫陸續將過往文章及現刊上傳至Internet Archive資料庫(https://archive.org/)以作永久典藏使用,讀者亦可至上述各資料庫存取本刊全文。

In order to meet the contemporary trend of the digital object repository, the digital files of JoEMLS articles have been simultaneously created a repository with the National Central Library’s “Taiwan Periodical Literature” database (https://tpl.ncl.edu.tw/NclService/JournalQuery). In addition, JoEMLS is planning to upload all past and current issues to the Internet Archive (https://archive.org/) for permanent archival use, and readers can also access the full text of the journal at these two databases.

編輯團隊 Editorial Board Members


編務成員 Editorial Staff

主編 Chief Editor

邱炯友 Jeong-Yeou Chiu
政治大學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所教授 Professor, Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系兼任教授 Adjunct Professor, Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University, Taiwan

協同主編 Associate Editor

張瓊穗 Chiung-Sui Chang
淡江大學教育科技學系教授 Professor, Department of Educational Technology, Tamkang University, Taiwan

英文協同主編 English Associate Editor

賴玲玲 Ling-Ling Lai
淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University, Taiwan

地區協同主編 Regional Associate Editors

大陸地區 Mainland China
張志強 Zhiqiang Zhang
南京大學出版科學研究所教授 Professor, Institute of Publishing Science at Nanjing University, China

歐洲地區 UK and Europe
Dr. Judith Broady-Preston
Director of Learning and Teaching, Department of Information Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK

Dr. Jin Zhang
Professor, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA

執行編輯 Executive Editor

蕭宗銘 Tsung-Ming Hsiao
淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系助理教授 Assistant Professor, Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University, Taiwan

名譽主編 Editor Emeritus

黃世雄 Shih-Hsion Huang
淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系榮譽教授 Professor Emeritus, Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University, Taiwan

歷任主編 Former Editors

李華偉 Hwa-Wei Lee
美國國會圖書館前亞洲部主任 Former Chief of Asian Division, the Library of Congress, USA
俄亥俄大學前圖書館館長 Dean Emeritus of Ohio University Libraries, USA

李長堅 Chang C. Lee
中佛羅里達大學退休教授 Professor Emeritus at University of Central Florida, USA

編輯 Managing Editor

高禩熹 Sz-Shi Kao
淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系退休講師 Retired Lecturer, Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University, Taiwan

林瑺慧 Chang-Huei Lin
政治大學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所博士生 Ph.D. Student, Graduate Institute of Library, Information & Archival Studies, National Chengchi University, Taiwan

編輯助理 Editorial Assistants

陳姿靜 Tzu-Ching Chen
淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系碩士生 Master Student, Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University, Taiwan

林詩婕 Shi-Jie Lin
淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系碩士生 Master Student, Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University, Taiwan

編務諮詢委員會 Editorial Advisory Board

林雯瑤 Wen-Yau Cathy Lin
淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系系主任 Chair, Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University, Taiwan

宋雪芳 Sheue-Fang Song
淡江大學覺生紀念圖書館館長 Director, Chueh Sheng Memorial Library, Tamkang University, Taiwan

陳雪華 Hsueh-Hua Chen
臺灣大學圖書資訊學系名譽教授 Professor Emeritus, Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

梁朝雲 Chaoyun Chaucer Liang
臺灣大學生物產業傳播暨發展學系教授 Professor, Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

曾元顯 Yuen-Hsien Tseng
臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所教授 Professor, Graduate Institute of Library & Information Studies, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan

黃鴻珠 Hong-Chu Huang
淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系榮譽教授 Professor Emeritus, Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University, Taiwan

蔡明月 Ming-Yueh Tsay
政治大學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所講座教授 Chair Professor, Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies, National Chengchi University, Taiwan

薛理桂 Li-Kuei Hsueh
政治大學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所名譽教授 Emeritus Professor, Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies, National Chengchi University, Taiwan

方卿 Qing Fang
武漢大學信息管理學院教授 Professor, School of Information Management, Wuhan University, China

沈固朝 Guchao Shen
南京大學信息管理學院教授 Professor, School of Information Management, Nanjing University, China

Pia Borlund
Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Archivistics, Library and Information Science, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway

Christopher S. G. Khoo
Associate Professor, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Vivien Petras
Professor, Head of School, Berlin School of Library and Information Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Josephine Sche
Professor, Information and Library Science Department, Southern Connecticut State University, USA

Peter Sidorko
Senior Consultant, The University of Hong Kong Libraries, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Feili Tu-Keefner
Associate Professor, School of Information Science and College of Information and Communications, University of South Carolina, USA

Hong Xu
University Librarian, Duke Kunshan University, China

投稿須知 Notes for Contributors


二、本刊為不向投稿者及作者收取文章處理費(article processing charge,APC)之開放取用期刊,且採雙盲同儕評閱審查制度,現由淡江大學出版中心出版,淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系和覺生紀念圖書館合作策劃編輯,一年共出版三期(3月、7月、11月)。

1. In accordance with academic regulations and peer review principles, Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences (JoEMLS) welcome submissions of manuscripts mainly on topics related to library science, information science and technology, and publishing. The other library related fields such as instructional technology and information communication are also accepted. JoEMLS welcome all of manuscripts, but does not publish full translations of non-self-published works.

2. JoEMLS adopts open access that does not charge contributors and authors an article processing charge (APC). This journal is a tri-annual journal, published in March, July, and November and published by Tamkang University Press and co-published with the Department of Information & Library Science (DILS) and Chueh Sheng Memorial Library.



3. It is required that all or part of the manuscript submitted to JoEMLS has not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted to or published elsewhere. In addition, contributors must ensure that they do not infringe on the copyright of others or compromise academic ethics.


4. Contributions are accepted on the strict understanding that the author is responsible for the accuracy of all contents of the published materials. Publication does not necessarily imply that these are the opinions of the Editorial Board or Editors, nor does the Board or Editors accept any liability for the accuracy of such comment, report, and other technical and factual information. The source should be indicated when the manuscript cites the literature. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain written permissions to quote or reproduce material that has appeared in another publication. This includes both copyright and ownership rights, e.g., photographs, illustrations, and data.


5. The authors of any submissions to JoEMLS hereby agree that if any submission being accepted by the Journal, then JoEMLS, Tamkang University Library, and the Department of Information & Library Science (DILS) shall be authorized to duplicate, publish on the Internet, and publish by any other means for the purpose of non-profit and education use.

六、作者同意其投稿之文章經本刊收錄後,無償授權本刊以開放取用(Open Access)以及非專屬授權之方式,再授權予國家圖書館用於「遠距圖書服務系統」(Remote Electronic Access/Delivery System,簡稱READncl System)或再授權予其他資料庫業者收錄於各該資料庫中,並得為重製、公開傳輸、授權使用者下載、列印等行為。為符合資料庫之需求,並得進行格式之變更。

6. The authors of any submissions to JoEMLS hereby agree that if any submission being accepted by the Journal, then JoEMLS shall be authorized to grant a non-exclusive license to the National Central Library for collecting such a submission into the Remote Electronic Access/Delivery System (READncl System), or grant sublicense to other database providers for collecting such a submission into their databases, and to duplicate, publish on the Internet, downloaded, and printed by authorized users of those providers. In addition, the format of submissions may be changed in order to meet the requirements of each database.

七、本刊作者仍保有刊登文章之著作權。除此之外,讀者可採用CC創用4.0國際CC BY-NC(姓名標示-非商業性)之方式使用本刊文章。

7. The copyright of the JoEMLS articles belongs to the authors. In addition to the above, readers of JoEMLS may use the articles under the Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) model.


作者指引 Author Guidelines


(1)研究論文(Research Articles)字數中文以二萬字、英文為6,000至12,000字內為宜,賜稿應以呈現IMRAD格式為佳。

(2)短文論述(Brief Communications)中文須不少於4,000字,英文則約3,000字。

(3)回顧評論(Review Articles)、觀察報告(Observation Reports)、書評(Book Review)中文字數約為8,000字以上,英文則為4,000字以上。

(4)給主編的信(Letters to the Editor)則以評論與回應本刊所登文稿或揭示新進重要著作與發現為旨趣,中英文均以1,500字為度。

8. Manuscripts must be in either Chinese or English. Manuscript lengths requirements (references excluded):

(1) Full & regular research articles in IMRAD format should be between 6,000 and 12,000 words for English (less than 2,0000 words for Chinese) in length.

(2) Brief communications are of approximately 3,000 words for English (more than 4,000 words for Chinese).

(3) Review articles, Observation reports which tend to be review articles and Book review should be more than 4,000 words for English (more than 8,000 words for Chinese).

(4) Letters to the Editor should not exceed 1,500 words for English and Chinese in length and may be: comments or criticisms of articles recently published in JoEMLS; and preliminary announcements of an original work of importance warranting immediate publications.

九、圖書資訊學域因具科際整合之實,為尊重人文社會學研究之差異性,故採芝加哥Note格式(Chicago-Turabian Style)或美國心理學會Author-date格式(APA format),敬請擇一遵守。賜稿註釋或參考資料格式務請明確詳實,相關引文格式來函備索或參見本刊網頁。

9. In order to respect the differences in humanities and sociology research, the Chicago-Turabian Style or the American Psychological Association Author-date format is used in the field of library and information science, please choose one of these two styles to follow. To comply with manuscript, please be clear and detailed in the citation format of notes or references, and the relevant citation format is available on request or refer to the JoEMLS website.


10. All Chinese submissions should include the title, abstract (within 300 words), keywords (within 6 words each) in both English and Chinese, no more than 16 tables/figures and 5 appendices. A brief autobiographical note should be provided in both English and Chinese, including full name, post & title, affiliation, e-mail address, and full international contact details. For non-Chinese submissions, provide the above information in English only.


11. If the manuscript is co-authored by more than one author, the First Author should be the equivalent of the Principal Author. The Principal Author must clearly specify the corresponding author and co-authors in a proper sequence. Submission of manuscripts previously published in conference proceedings or revision based on thesis should be clearly indicated in the front page of manuscripts.


12. JoEMLS adopts a double-blind peer review policy, revision should be returned to the editor within the deadline for further peer review process. Revision submitted after the period could be rejected or treated as a new manuscript by the Journal.

十三、為提高刊登稿件之英文可讀性,中文賜稿獲本刊通知接受將予刊登之時,必須再行繳交1,200字至1,500字之英文摘錄(English Summary)含適當引註以及「捷點」(InSight Point)導讀簡報,並檢附專業學術英文編修證明,始予刊登。作者必須信實對應本文,精簡呈現中文稿件所刊載之English Summary與捷點(InSight Point),並負起相關文責,俾利外語讀者之參考與引用。

13. To improve the English readability of the manuscript, a 1,200- to 1,500-word English Summary with appropriate citations and a proof of academic English professional editing must be submitted when the manuscript is accepted for the manuscript in Chinese. A brief English Summary is a supplement to Chinese article. Authors who contribute to the JoEMLS in Chinese language would need to supply English Summaries themselves. Such English Summary will carry a disclaimer: “This English Summary and InSight Point are provided by the author(s), and the author(s) have certified or verified that the translation faithfully represents the Chinese version of their own in the journal. It is for convenience of the English users and can be used for reference and citation.”

十四、本刊編輯端保有文字修正與潤稿之權力,並為您提供English Summary末之中文引用文獻的羅馬拼音暨翻譯服務,以利部份西文專業資料庫之引文索引建檔與中文辨讀之需求。此羅馬化作業屬權宜措施,不可取代原有正式之引文規範。

14. The JoEMLS editor reserves the right to revise and edit all accepted manuscripts for clarification, and to provide Romanized and Translated Notes (or References) at the end of English Summary, to assist Western database indexers in identifying and indexing Chinese citations. This Romanization system for transliterating Chinese cannot be a substitute for those original notes or references listed with the Chinese manuscript.


15. For the Book Review column, JoEMLS is looking for book recommendations as well as individuals who are willing to review the titles. Please contact the JoEMLS editor (joemls@mail2.tku.edu.tw) for more information.

十六、賜稿刊登恕無稿酬,惟僅贈該期紙本一份予通訊作者。作者亦可透過本刊網頁之Open Access機制取得PDF版全文。

16. Corresponding author will receive one free copy of JoEMLS. However, authors can find online full-text of PDF format via Open Access mechanism on the websites of JoEMLS.

線上投稿 Online Submissions


17. Submissions should go through the ScholarOne submission online system (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/joemls); however, articles submitted to JoEMLS (joemls@mail2.tku.edu.tw) as email attachments in one of the following preferred formats, Word or Rich Text Format, are acceptable.

隱私權聲明 Privacy Statement


18. The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

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