- 本刊自第7卷第1期(第86期)更名為《圖資與檔案學刊》(Journal of InfoLib and Archives),出刊日期為每年6 、12月。
- 本刊曾榮獲1997年行政院國家科學委員會獎助國內學術研究優良期刊甲等期刊獎。
- 本刊自第4卷第1期起(第80期)從季刊改為半年刊出版;並採紙本及電子同步方式發行,以開放文獻(Open Access)之數位形式出版,以利學術研究之促進。
- 本刊自第68 期(2009 年2 月)起改以卷期號與總期號並列,卷期號以第1卷第1期起,總期號繼續。
- 本刊原英文刊名為Bulletin of Library and Information Science,自第65 期(2008 年5 月)起更名為Journal of Librarianship and Information Studies。
- 本刊原名《政大圖資通訊》,自第9 期(1994 年5 月)起更名為《圖書與資訊學刊》。
The Journal of InfoLib and Archives (JILA), succeeding to Journal of Librarianship and Information Studies from 2015, is co-published by the National Chengchi University Libraries and the NCCU Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies.
目前收錄於臺灣期刊論文索引系統、Library and Information Science Abstracts、CEPS中文電子期刊資料庫、HyRead臺灣全文資料庫、月旦知識庫,以及Directory of Open Access Journals(DOAJ)。2012年5月起亦將轉型為開放取用(Open Access)出版期刊,亦將提交本刊內容於Google Scholar、Scopus等全球性重要學術搜尋引擎與資料庫等,積極推廣、傳播本刊學術論文為目標。
Currently included in Taiwan Periodical Literature System, Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA), Chinese Electronic Periodical Services (CEPS), HyRead Journal Taiwan Full-text Database, Law Data, and Directory of Open Access Journals(DOAJ). In May 2012, JILA transformed into an Open Access journal and submitted its contents to Google Scholar, Scopus, and other important global academic search engines and databases, with the goal of actively promoting and disseminating academic papers.
榮譽主編 Editor Emeritus
胡歐蘭 Nancy Ou-Lan Chou
Emeritus Professor, Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies, NCCU, Taiwan
主編 Editor
廖文宏 Wen-Hung Liao
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & University Librarian, NCCU, Taiwan
共同主編 Co-editor
林巧敏 Chiao-Min Lin
Professor, Director, Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies & Associate University Librarian, NCCU, Taiwan
編輯委員Editorial Board (按姓氏筆畫排序)
方卿 Fang Qing 武漢大學信息管理學院院長
Dean, School of Information Management, WHU, China
王梅玲 Mei-Ling Wang 政治大學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所兼任教授
Part-time Professor, Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies, NCCU, Taiwan
吳怡瑾 I-Chin Wu 臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所教授
Professor, Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies, NTNU, Taiwan
宋慧筠 Hui-Yun Sung 中興大學圖書資訊學研究所教授兼文學院副院長、圖書館館長
Professor, Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science, Associate dean for the College of Liberal Arts & University Librarian, NCHU, Taiwan
李正吉 Cheng-Chi Lee 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系特聘教授兼教育學院副院長兼系主任
Associate Dean for College of Education, Distinguished Professor & Director, Department of Library and Information Science, FJCU, Taiwan
林奇秀 Chi-Shiou Lin 臺灣大學圖書資訊學系教授兼圖書館副館長
Professor, Department of Library and Information Science & Associate University Librarian, NTU, Taiwan
邱炯友 Jeong-Yeou Chiu 政治大學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所教授
Professor, Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies, NCCU, Taiwan
秦健 Jian Qin Professor, School of Information Studies, SU, NY, USA
張衍 Yan Zhang 上海大學文化遺產與信息管理學院檔案學系副主任
Deputy Director, Archival Science Department, SHU, China
陳志銘 Chih-Ming Chen 政治大學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所特聘教授兼專班執行長、華人文化元宇宙研究中心主任
Distinguished Professor, Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies, Head of E-learning Master Program of Library and Information Studies & Director of Research Center for Chinese Cultural Metaverse, NCCU, Taiwan
陳雪華 Hsueh-Hua Chen 臺灣大學圖書資訊學系名譽教授
Professor Emeritus, Department of Library and Information Science, NTU, Taiwan
程煥文 Huan-Wen Cheng 中山大學資訊管理學院教授
Professor, School of Information Management, SYSU, Guangzhou, China
鄭鈴慧 Ling-Hwey Jeng Professor and Director, School of Library and Information Studies, TWU, TX, USA
劉吉軒 Jyi-Shane Liu 政治大學資訊科學系教授兼資訊學院院長
Professor, Department of Computer Science & Director for the College of Informatics, NCCU, Taiwan
蔡明月 Ming-Yueh Tsay 政治大學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所兼任講座教授
Part-time Chair Professor, Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies, NCCU, Taiwan
羅崇銘 Chung-Ming Lo 政治大學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所副教授兼圖書館研究發展組組長
Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies & Chief, Research and Development Section, Library, NCCU, Taiwan
- 本刊為公開取用(Open Access)之學術性期刊,以半年刊出版,內容以圖書資訊學、目錄版本學、檔案學、出版、數位學習、數位圖書館、數位典藏、數位人文、數位閱讀、資料探勘、資訊檢索、資訊視覺化、資訊安全、人機互動、資訊科學、人資互動等相關符合學術論文寫作規範之文章,全年接受投稿。
- 賜稿以未曾正式出版、具實證研究與原創成果之學術論著為主,中(正體)英文均可,中文稿字數二萬字以內為宜;英文稿字數八千字以內為宜(特約稿件不在此限)。本刊並接受實務工作報告,著重實務問題分析與解決方式,字數不超過一萬字以內為宜。
- 稿件投遞請以電子檔形式為主。文稿請依APA或Chicago論文格式與本刊「投稿格式」撰寫,來稿請附中、英文之題名、摘要(300字以內)、關鍵詞(以五至七個為限)、作者姓名、現職與E-mail帳號。稿件內凡涉及著作權或言論責任糾紛者,悉由作者自負法律責任。
- 本刊採取雙盲審查並經兩名以上專家學者之審查程序,來稿一律根據本刊「審稿辦法」送審辦理。
- 稿件於本刊要求修訂期限內,請作者務必完成修訂稿回擲,逾期者將被視為退稿;逾期修訂稿可視同新遞稿件,由本刊重啟初始評閱流程。
- 本刊對接受刊登稿件有刪改與潤飾權,格式以本刊編輯手冊為主。
- 為因應本刊加入國際性引文資料庫之發展,中文稿獲本刊通知接受刊登之時,須再行繳交英文摘錄(English summary)一份(含適當引註),始予刊登,英文摘錄稿請擇下列方案之一進行:
- 中文稿作者自行摘錄翻譯篇幅1,200字至1,500字之英文摘錄(不計圖表與參考資料),再由本刊進行英文潤修,費用由本刊負擔,超過1,500字之英文摘錄,則依廠商報價再向作者收費。
- 中文作者提供1,500字之中文摘錄,由本刊代為翻譯,費用由本刊負擔。超過1,500字之中文摘錄,則依廠商報價再向作者收費。
- 本刊提供中文引用文獻羅馬拼音暨翻譯,以利於國際性引文資料庫收錄需求。
- 本刊採紙本及電子同步方式發行,以利學術研究之促進。稿件一經採用,作者同意無償授權本刊以公開取用之數位形式出版。
- 本刊不向作者收取出版費,亦不支付稿費。
- 本刊通訊資訊:臺北市文山區萬壽路36號,國立政治大學圖書館《圖資與檔案學刊》,或連絡電話:(02)8237-7044、E-mail:blis@nccu.edu.tw
- 前述說明之補述文件請參閱本刊網站:https://jila.lib.nccu.edu.tw/
- The Journal of InfoLib and Archives (JILA) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that published semi-annually in June and December. The articles are welcomed mainly on topics related to library and information science, publishing, archival studies, e-learning, digital library, digital humanities, digital reading, data mining, information retrieval, information visualization, information security, human machine interaction, information science, human information interaction, etc. Papers in related fields written in English or Chinese are cordially solicited.
- All articles (including the invited papers) must be original works, not exceed 8,000 words in length, and follow APA or Chicago reference style.
- JILA accepts electronic submission through email to editor as an attachments in one of the following preferred formats: Word or Rich-Text-Format.
- All manuscripts should provide following information in both English and Chinese: title, abstract of 300 words in length with 5 to 7 keywords, the author’s name and position, and email.
- The article, or any part thereof, is in no way a violation of any existing original or derivative copyright.
- All articles will be double-blinded reviewed by the Editorial Board made up of two scholars in related fields.
- Manuscript revision should be returned to the editor within the deadline required by JILA. Revision behind the period could be rejected or treated as a new manuscript by the Journal.
- The Editors of the JILA reserve the right to make editorial changes to manuscripts accepted for publication for the sake of style or clarity. Authors will be consulted only if the changes are substantive.
- Authors of accepted manuscripts will be assigned to the JILA the permanent right to publish and distribute the manuscript as an electronic journal article, but will retain copyright.
- JILA currently does not charge publication fees to authors.
- Submission of manuscripts please email to blis@nccu.edu.tw, other related information please refer to https://jila.lib.nccu.edu.tw/