在荷蘭東印度公司(VOC)於長崎與雅加達(之後為巴達維亞)間建立航線前,兩地少有貿易聯繫。17世紀中期,兩地間的唐船貿易,由鄭成功轄下商人經廈門中轉進行。1650年代起,鄭氏家族與東印度公司間的商務爭端日漸升高,導致1661年之戰爭。1669年起,巴達維亞當局放寬對直航長崎與巴達維亞兩地之唐船的控制。東寧鄭氏政權與巴達維亞之荷蘭東印度公司持續敵對,加上鄭氏與清廷的對立,以及中國與日本無國交的狀態,巴達維亞唐人遂得以在1665至1719年間進行長崎—巴達維亞直航貿易。 本文運用已出版及未出版的檔案文書資料,檢視並描繪巴達維亞唐人營運此一航線的興衰,並歸納其航行日程跨度、一般人員人數與貨物種類。作者發現,此一航線興起的關鍵在於巴達維亞當局之默許,而其營運與巴達維亞唐人夷官投資農業開發有關。此一運用政治對立下的模糊空間進行跨國貿易的經驗,則為18世紀唐人於中國海各地廣泛從事貿易之先聲。
Traffic between Jakarta (and later Batavia) and Nagasaki was unusual before the Dutch East India Company (VOC) established its trade to the two destinations. In the mid-17th century, Chinese junk traders under Zheng Chenggong’s (鄭成功) protection ran this business from Amoy. After the 1650s, the commercial strife between the Zheng clan and the VOC threw a spanner in the works that eventually resulted in a war in 1661. In 1669, the Batavian authorities gradually relaxed their control over the Chinese junk trade on the Nagasaki-Batavia route. The antagonism between the Zheng regime in Taiwan and the VOC in Batavia, compounded by that between the Zheng and the Qing court on the Chinese mainland and the disputes between China and Japan, created a loophole for the Batavian Chinese to run the business on the Nagasaki-Batavia route in 1665-1719. This article has consulted published and unpublished archival sources to clarify the rise and fall of the business of the Batavian Chinese on this route and also the duration of this voyage, the numbers of the crews, and the carried cargoes. The author has discovered that the blind eye turned by the Batavian authorities was crucial, and this trade contributed to the expansion of the plantations owned by Batavian Chinese officers. Their experience in exploiting the leeway granted by different states was the legacy that led to the success of the later junk traders on China Seas in the 18th century.
Nagasaki, Batavia, Chinese Junk Trade, VOC, Batavian Chinese.