2021 / 6
pp. 107 - 169
由縫隙出發的歷史 ──旮旯牌聚落的形成與離散
A History from Within: A Case Study of the Galapai Settlement in Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County
羅文君 *
羅文君 *

本文以日治時期進入蕃界定居之漢人社群──旮旯牌為研究對象,透過史料與田野材料,一方面重構因學科分野而被遺落的人群的生活樣貌,映照出匯聚其上,更大尺度之帝國資本主義山林開發、區域經濟發展的變動過程,另一方面,旮旯牌作為在山地治理框架下應被排除的特例,本文亦嘗試探究其居民如何在制度與經濟開發計畫的結構縫隙間求生,並透過日常生活實踐,形塑其社群認同。 旮旯牌位於現新竹縣尖石鄉嘉樂村內。本文首先梳理1920年代主導此區域開發邏輯的理蕃與林野政策。1921年,日本資本家早川鐵冶(1865-?)向總督府取得蕃界內的土地,從事造林與農作等開發活動。隨後數年,早川與其代理者招募大量漢人入山開墾,以土地使用權交換其勞動力,藉此克服蕃地事業的種種困難。旮旯牌即在此林野的資本主義化過程中逐步成形。本文隨後描繪旮旯牌居民的日常生活,討論他們如何透過維生物資與勞動力的交換,將早川的事業地打造成一片漢人集居地域。即便如此,進入戰後,由於居民遲遲無法取得土地所有權,導致旮旯牌的瓦解。本文回應學界對底層歷史書寫、邊界研究與民眾史等主題的呼聲,「從縫隙出發」,即在不否定現代國家與資本主義之力量的前提下,細究國家與資本打造之政經結構的孔洞與縫隙,從而聽見艾立克.沃爾夫(Eric R. Wolf, 1923-1999)所言「無史之人」的眾聲喧嘩。


Galapai was a Han settlement located in “Fandi, or savage land (蕃地),” during the period of Japanese occupation. Due to difficulties of distinguishing and analyzing the people or ways of life in such a settlement, they seldom receive the critical attention of scholars. By using neglected archival materials, conducting fieldwork and having in-depth interviews, the present study examines a case which reflects the changes of state governance and development plans in the mountain area. By studying the exceptionality of such a “savage land” settlement, the present study aims to shed light on ways of making a living while living in an unregistered zone, which illustrates the importance of daily life practices in the formation of community identity. Galapai was located in Fandi land in present-day Jiale Village, Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County. This article first examines the Fandi framework that was designed by the Japanese colonial government in the 1920s to develop Taiwan’s rinya or the forest and arable land. The establishment of Galapai was related to a project proposed by the Japanese capitalist, Hayakawa Tetsuya who, in 1921, applied for a piece of land inside the “savage” area to conduct agriculture and forestry. In the following years, Hayakawa’s team recruited dozens of Han people, provided them with equipment, and relied on their labors to overcome the difficulties of introducing the capitalist mode of production into Taiwan’s savage land. This article then examines the daily life of the Galapai residents with a focus on how they turned Galapai into a thriving place and community through their exchanges of livelihood and labor. After World War II, however, because the residents were unable to secure their right to the land under the new government, the Galapai settlement dissolved. In keeping with the rising interest of scholars in writing history from below, border studies, and people’s history, this article proposes what may be called “history from within.” That said, without denying the all-embracing and totalizing power of the modern state and capitalism, such “history from within” studies seek to examines the gap that existed within and between the political and economic regimes manufactured by the state and the capitalist class, in hopes of hearing to the voices of what anthropologist Eric Wolf famously calls the “people without history.”




border studies, place, friction