本文試從藝術史角度切入,以紋飾系統化分析的方法,試解決20世紀50年代以來出土於明代藩王功臣墓葬中至正樣式青花器的年代問題。本文將裝飾於青花器表的紋飾分為三個層次分析,分別為:單一紋樣結構分析、紋樣與紋樣結組方式分析、以及整體紋飾整合方式分析。藉此反思過去學界所依賴美國學者John Alexander Pope的元青花風格分析主張,以修正青花至正樣式發展的年代下限。
This essay examines the blue-and-white wares excavated from the tombs of generals and princes in the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Based on John Alexander Pope’s definition of “fourteenth-century blue-and-white style,” the excavated wares have long been recognized as products of the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368), and thus considered to be antiques or booty from the battles of the dead. However, the style of these wares can be differentiated from the “fourteenth-century blue-and-white style” in terms of ornament pattern and decoration composition. By referring to other well-dated Ming blue-and-white porcelain with similar ornament and the dating of these tombs, this essay suggests that the excavated wares were from the Ming instead of Yuan dynasty.
明代藩王功臣墓; 元青花; 至正樣式; 明青花; 紋飾分析; 風格分析
noble tombs in the Ming dynasty; Yuan blue-and-white; fourteenth-century style (zhi-zheng yangshi); Ming blue-and-white; motif analysis; style analysis