With the image of the Gate to Heaven on silk in Mawangdui Tombs as the point of departure, this essay aims to take a fresh look at the nature and function of the silk paintings and their significance to understand related subject matters of funeral art in the Han era. After thorough analysis and discussion, the following arguments and observations are presented in this essay. First, silk paintings of this type can neither be identified as fuyi (a top of the deceased used to summon his soul right upon his death and to cover the body thereafter) nor as mingjing (funeral streamer bearing the titles of the deceased). Instead, they are used as zhao, a funeral streamer that serves to guide the coffin into the grave in a funeral procession. Second, the function of this type of zhao is closely related to the funeral custom of summoning the soul into the tomb that originated in the land of Chu. The zhao in Mawangdui Tombs, T-shaped and named feiyi (flying clothing intended for summoning the soul), is presumed to have intentionally imitated the shape of fuyi in order to obtain the efficacy of witchcraft to attract the soul of the deceased. With the knowledge of the soul’s desire to ascend to heaven, the portrait of the deceased and the Gate to Heaven dwelt by immortals are painted on the feiyi presumably to appeal to the soul with the image of the Gate to Heaven, induce the soul to attach to the feiyi, and eventually lead it back to the corpse in the coffin, thus resolving the conflict between the notion of inducing the soul into the tomb and that of guiding it up to Heaven. Third, by determining the function of Mawangdui feiyi, we can generally achieve a consistent understanding of the soul summoning ritual art form that the Chinese had relied on to “release” souls from purgatory from Western Han through the Wei and Jin period, as well as the notion of life and death and the belief in immortality centering around the “Gate to Heaven.”
馬王堆帛畫; 旐-非衣; 招魂入墓; 天門; 死後升仙
Mawangdui silk paintings; zhao (funeral streamer)-feiyi; summoning the soul into the tomb; the Gate to Heaven; posthumous immortality