Bird-and-flower paintings from the reign of Song Emperor Huizong have long been a popular area of research among scholars. As most extant bird-and-flower paintings from this period come with poems, the relationship between painting and poem occupies a significant position in the research on these paintings. However, this type of research is often criticized for its tendency to use subjective interpretation. While scholars seek to interpret the paintings’ imagery and text, coming to a consensus about how the two art forms interact is a challenge that has yet to be overcome. The present study will take a different direction from the methods of previous research by investigating the culture of painting inscriptions and will focus on the historical context and development of inscriptions and analyze poems and images to deepen our understanding of how they interact. By examining this relationship from the perspective of the culture of painting inscriptions, it is hoped that this paper can shed new light on the bird-and-flower paintings of the Huizong reign and their significance in the history of Chinese painting.
This study will first discuss a new trend in the mid-Northern Song dynasty, in which literati focused on both form and meaning when evaluating paintings, and proceed to examine how this new trend influenced court paintings during the reign of Huizong. Next, we will analyze the texts in the Xuanhe Huapu [Xuanhe painting catalogue] to investigate the continuation of the trend, which influenced and was influenced by the court painting aesthetics of the Huizong reign. Third, the study will use the Song Huiyao Jigao [Song dynasty manuscript compendium] to examine the ruiyi (auspicious omens) recorded during the Northern Song dynasty and the approval process. It will be suggested that Huizong’s writing poems to complement pictorial records of auspicious omens was a new and important part of the approval process. Last, the study will analyze the poems and images in the following four paintings: Auspicious Dragon Rock, Five-Colored Parakeet, Birds in a Blossoming Wax-Plum Tree, and Hibiscus and Golden Pheasant. Because of their equal emphasis on form and meaning, these bird-and-flower paintings produced during the Huizong reign were not subject to arbitrary image composition or interpretation; instead, they were produced by the imperial painting academy to record peaceful and prosperous times under the rule of sages and for the perusal of the emperor and his officials. Any interpretation of these paintings has to be effected with an understanding of this political framework.
宋徽宗; 徽宗畫學; 北宋花鳥畫; 瑞異; 祥瑞圖繪; 題跋活動; 題畫文化
Song Emperor Huizong; Huizong’s aesthetics; Northern Song dynasty; bird-and-flower paintings; auspicious omens; auspicious paintings; colophons; painting inscriptions