2009 / 9
pp. 157 - 196
Sweeping in the Sacred Grove: the Buddhist Monk in Jin Nong’s Painting
Hsü Ginger Cheng-chi 徐澄琪 *
(Department of History of Art, University of California, Riverside 加州大學河濱分校藝術史系)
Hsü Ginger Cheng-chi 徐澄琪 *
Department of History of Art, University of California, Riverside 加州大學河濱分校藝術史系



This study explores the issue of self-representation in Jin Nong’s Buddhist painting. In focusing mainly on his undated painting entitled “Sweeping under the Pagoda in the Fragrant Woods,” this study argues that Jin Nong’s portrayal of a nameless and faceless acolyte engaged in mundane chores might have been a means of fashioning his self and public image in his late years. In this painting Jin expresses his hope to be recognized as an eccentric saint of Chan Buddhism, much like the famous Shide and Hanshan, by overlapping Shide’s attribute (broom) with that of Hanshan (brush). The interrelatedness of broom and brush is further manifested in his choice of the brushstroke called feibai, which then serves as a vehicle to express manifold messages, including a sense of loss. As Jin came to terms with his failure in a life-long pursuit of public recognition by finding solace in Buddhism, his painting of Buddhist subject circulated in the monastic community seems to serve as a marker of his membership in the local gentry society. They also stand as a footnote of the ubiquitous strand of Buddhist culture in Chinese social fabric.


金農; 畫佛; 悟; 寒山; 拾得; 飛白


Jin Nong; Buddhist painting; enlightenment; Hanshan; Shide; feibai