Molin jinhua (Critique on the Present Forest of Ink) and its continuation can be considered as providing some of the most important material for the study of painting history in the Qing dynasty from the Qianlong to Daoguang period. In this book the majority of the contents dealing with the lives, events, works, and poems related to painters come from the associations that the author Jiang Baoling and his son Jiang Zhisheng shared with them as well as their first-hand information. In fact, more than thousand painters are recorded in the editions of this book. Of particular note from its initial publication in 1852 is that Jiang Baoling not only recorded two Japanese artists--Kinoshita Shousai and Kinoshita Takatsune, Jiang Zhisheng in his continuation also featured a short biographical sketch of Yasuda Rosan and his wife Ihara Megumi. In addition, in later various editions the number of Japanese painters discussed also increased. In 1852 when this book was published, Japanese was still a country closed to the rest of the world, so how did Jiang Baoling and Jiang Zhisheng get their information about the Japanese? It is believed that further investigation of this material will not only provide a window of understanding for the beginnings of Sino-Japanese relations at a time when Japan was opening up, but that the addition of information very likely will also provide us with a way to analyze the development of this key period in the expansion of Sino-Japanese relations. Thus, the present study centering on the compilation of Molin jinhua and its editions is an attempt to reconstruct the exchange and understanding among Sino-Japanese painting and calligraphy circles of the late Edo and early Meiji period.
中日交流; 晚清繪畫; 蔣寶齡; 蔣茝生; 墨林今話
Sino-Japanese interactions; late Qing Chinese Painting; Jiang Baoling; Jiang Zhisheng; Molin jinhua (Critique on the Present Forest of Ink)