第5卷 第2期
2022 / 9
pp. 53 - 110
Teaching Practice Combining Team-Based Learning and Practical Experiential Learning
巫俊采 Chun-Tsai Wu *
(嶺東科技大學數位媒體設計系副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Digital Content Design, LingTung University)
巫俊采 Chun-Tsai Wu *
嶺東科技大學數位媒體設計系副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Digital Content Design, LingTung University

Kolb的經驗學習理論認為學習是透過經驗轉化創造知識的過程,學習者透過活動實踐與情境的互動來建構新知,進而應用新知。專題導向學習有助於將理論與實際應用連結,從而實現深度學習。研究者以往教學採用專題導向學習策略,但仍面臨了學生學習動機不高;缺乏解決實務問題的企劃、提案與策展能力;專案時程掌控不佳等問題。考量團隊導向學習(team-based learning, TBL)開放式交流的活動設計,有助於增進小組管理自我過程的能力。本研究以經驗學習理論為基礎結合TBL,提出「實務學習體驗」教學設計,讓學生體驗一個擴增實境專案開發的實務學習歷程。所欲探討的問題是:「實務學習體驗」教學設計能否提高學生的學習動機?能否強化學生提案、企劃與展演的實務能力?能否改善學生時程掌控能力,順利完成專案?以準實驗研究為研究方法,研究對象為修讀數位媒體設計系「互動設計(一)」課程的大三學生。109學年度學生為實驗組採用「實務學習體驗」教學設計,有效樣本50人。108學年度學生為控制組,採用專題式教學。研究結果發現:「實務學習體驗」的教學設計雖無法解決所有學習動機不高的問題,但對於初始內在動機、外在動機與群體自我效能較高的學生,可受到此教學設計的激勵,提高內、外動機與群體效能;實驗組相對於控制組而言,在企劃主題內容方面較具實務性,專案作品的辨識設計多元且有豐富擴增實境媒體展示形式,專案作品在實務的表現較優;學生有更好的時間安排控制能力和更高的工作完成度。本研究的「實務學習體驗」教學設計,結合TBL與業界實務歷程體驗的導入,提升了專題式教學的有效性。


Kolb’s experiential learning theory indicated that learning is the process of obtaining knowledge through transformation of experience. Learners construct knowledge through interactions involving activities and situations and apply this knowledge to real-life situations. Project-based learning (PBL) assists in connecting theory to practice to achieve deep learning. The researcher had previously adopted PBL strategies in teaching but encountered several problems, such as low learning motivation in students; a lack of practical planning, proposal, and curation skills; and poor project time management. An activity design that incorporates team-based learning (TBL) open communication can improve a team’s ability to manage its own work processes. On the basis of experiential learning theory combined with TBL, this study proposed a practical experiential learning instructional design that enabled students to experience a practical learning process of developing augmented reality projects. The research questions of this study were as follows: Can a practical experiential learning instructional design improve students’ learning motivation? Can it strengthen students’ practical abilities to propose, plan, and perform? Can it improve students’ time management abilities and abilities to successfully complete the project? The research design was quasi-experimental, and the research participants were third-year students enrolling in the “Interactive Multimedia Integration Design I” course of the department of digital content design. A valid sample of 50 students was obtained. Students of the 2020-2021 academic year were included in the experimental group and received practical experiential learning instruction. Students of the 2019-2020 academic year were the control group and underwent PBL. The research results revealed that although the practical experiential learning instructional design did not solve all problems related to low learning motivation, the design motivated students with high initial intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and group self-efficacy to improve their learning performance. Compared with the control group, the experimental group exhibited more effective planning. This group created diverse project designs in augmented reality media display forms. The experimental group’s projects had higher performance, and the students in the group demonstrated more effective time management and job completion. The practical experiential learning instructional design combined with TBL and the introduction of practical industry-related experiences improved the effectiveness of PBL.




project-based learning, rubric, experiential learning theory, teambased learning, augmented reality