第5卷 第2期
2022 / 9
pp. 111 - 154
Integration of 6E Instructional Model and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics into ProjectBased Courses of Undergraduate Students
常雅珍 Ya-Jane Chaung
(長庚科技大學幼保系教授 Professor, Department of Childhood and Care Education, Chang Gang University of Science and Technology)
黃寶園 Bao-Yuan Huang *
(國立臺中教育大學教育學系教授 Professor, Department of Education, National Taichung University of Education)
吳詠惠 Yung-Huei Wu
(臺北市文修非營利幼兒園教保員 Teacher and Caregiver, Wen Xiu Preschool, Taipei City)
楊雅筑 Ya-Zhu Yang
(新北市悅淨幼兒園教保員 Teacher and Caregiver, Yueh Jing Preschool, New Taipei City)
常雅珍 Ya-Jane Chaung
長庚科技大學幼保系教授 Professor, Department of Childhood and Care Education, Chang Gang University of Science and Technology
黃寶園 Bao-Yuan Huang *
國立臺中教育大學教育學系教授 Professor, Department of Education, National Taichung University of Education
吳詠惠 Yung-Huei Wu
臺北市文修非營利幼兒園教保員 Teacher and Caregiver, Wen Xiu Preschool, Taipei City
楊雅筑 Ya-Zhu Yang
新北市悅淨幼兒園教保員 Teacher and Caregiver, Yueh Jing Preschool, New Taipei City



Many countries employ science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in project-based courses, and this interdisciplinary learning can foster problem-solving ability in students. However, few studies in Taiwan have explored the application of STEM in project-based courses. To help students learn from practical application and experience and thereby enable them to integrate knowledge and information to solve problems, this study proposed the integration of the 6E (engage, explore, explain, engineer, enrich, and evaluate) instructional model and STEM into the projectbased courses of undergraduate students. Further, this study explored the effectiveness of the implementation of this instructional model. Student work, interview, classroom observation, and dialogue record data were collected to identify changes in students’ learning processes, the difficulties they encountered, and the solutions they applied. This quasi-experimental study included 60 students from a university of science and technology as research participants. The obtained data were analyzed using one-way analysis of covariance. The research results revealed that the students in the experimental group scored significantly higher than those in the control group on the three subscales of “benefit of the project-based courses,” “interpersonal effect of the project-based courses,” and “effect of the projectbased courses on STEM,” indicating that the instructional model of this study was effective. The students exhibited the most growth in the technology aspect of STEM. The students encountered difficulty at the beginning of the course, in the second “explore” stage and in the fourth “engineer” stage. The aim of this study was to provide a basic framework for the use of STEM in higher education. This framework can serve as a reference and assist future researchers in improving teaching quality and improving the effectiveness of instruction.




6E instructional model, STEM, project-based courses