第5卷 第1期
2022 / 3
pp. 99 - 149
Applying the ADDIE Model and SCOTEAM Instructional Elements in the Teaching Design of a Theory and Practice of Teaching Principles of Instruction University Course
林曜聖 *
林曜聖 *



The instructional design of teaching methodology courses in university teacher training programs is more important than that of other courses because such courses teach students the fundamental concepts and methods of teaching. University teachers may base their instruction on their learning experience or understanding of the course. This type of instructional design is biased toward the rules of experience, which results in a lack of integrity and systemic problems. This study demonstrated how to systematically teach university courses by implementing the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model and SCOTEAM (Student, Content, Objective, Teacher, Environment, Assessment, and Method) instructional elements and also analyzed students’ feedbacks and learning results to confirm the validity of ADDIE and SCOTEAM practicing in university courses. The ADDIE model and the instructional elements of SCOTEAM were used as the basis of the instructional design of a systematic instructional theory and practice course in a university teacher training program. The data were reviewed to modify the course, and the students’ feedback at the end of the semester was used as the basis for evaluation. The results of the formative and summary evaluations indicate that the students had a positive opinion of the learning process and the course. Therefore, combining the ADDIE model and SCOTEAM instructional elements in teacher training courses can help university teachers systematize instructional design.




ADDIE model, SCOTEAM instructional elements, theory and practice of teaching principles of instruction, instructional design