第4卷 第2期
2021 / 9
pp. 1 - 38
閱讀書寫課程融入在地偏鄉教育議題 之實踐歷程、學習成效與反思
The Practical Process, Learning Outcomes, and Reflection on Incorporating Local Rural Education Topics in Reading and Writing Courses
曾瓊瑤 Chiung-Yao Tseng *
(國立臺東大學通識教育中心助理教授 Assistant Professor, General Education Center, National Taitung University)
曾瓊瑤 Chiung-Yao Tseng *
國立臺東大學通識教育中心助理教授 Assistant Professor, General Education Center, National Taitung University

本研究旨在探究磨課師於寫作教學應用的可能性,透過建立一主題式英文寫作磨課師發展線上文獻引用教學模式,除了用以改善現存文獻引用教學的困境,亦希望藉由探討學生對本寫作磨課師的課程設計滿意度、同儕互評態度與學習成效,了解磨課師在寫作教學應用的可能性與挑戰。本研究採質性與量性兼備的研究方法,以107學年度33位修習「英文寫作課」的大學部學生為研究對象,透過分析其學習歷程資料,包含課後問卷、線上測驗、問題討論、同儕互評問卷與回饋、文獻回顧完稿成績等資料,評估本寫作磨課師的課程設計與學習成效,並透過分析比較教師與同儕的回饋,探究以同儕回饋作為評量項目的可行性。研究結果發現:一、學生對寫作磨課師課程設計有正向滿意度,尤其本課程所使用的教學平臺Google Classroom其強大的分享共用、協作共編、即時/非即時互動等功能,不僅可改善傳統寫作教室較局限的互動模式,更能有效提升學生更多寫作練習機會;二、學生對同儕互評抱持正面態度,而同儕互評訓練也有助於引導學生提供回饋;三、形成性及總結性評量結果均顯示,本寫作磨課師可有效提升學生撰寫文獻回顧的能力。本研究展現創新寫作教學模式之可行性,研究成果可供未來課程規劃參考。


This paper presents an 8-week and 8-unit mandarin reading and writing course integrated with social topics, the purpose of which was to enhance the quality of university reading and writing courses and university students’ humanity concern and social involvement in rural communities. University students were guided to learn about and understand “tribal book houses” by interacting with the children studying at tribal book houses. This study took place in 2 tribal book houses in Taitung, with 78 first-year university students from the mandarin reading and writing course and 17 children at the tribal book houses participating. Data were collected through observations, interviews, student reports on what they learned, and the use of a rubric. The results indicated that by integrating local rural topics, the reading and writing course effectively inspired students’ affective motivation in caring about society and their ability to participate in actions. The students developed the ability to interview people and to write reports and the capability to plan projects and to communicate with people. Finally, they were able to implement an action project involving creative reading and writing for social participation. The results of this study confirmed the feasibility of incorporating social topics in reading and writing courses in inspiring students’ social involvement. Challenges confronting this teaching model are described, and possible solutions are presented for reference.




social compassion, rural education, narrative skill, reading and writing, issue-integration