第3卷 第1期
2020 / 3
pp. 129 - 163
Integration of Scaffolding Theory and Flipped Teaching Approaches into a Project-Based Course
徐琍沂 Li-I Hsu *
(國立臺中科技大學應用英語系教授 Professor, Department of Applied English, National Taichung University of Science and Technology)
徐遠雄 Yuan-Hsiung Hsu
(修平科技大學機械工程系副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hsiuping University of Science and Technology)
徐琍沂 Li-I Hsu *
國立臺中科技大學應用英語系教授 Professor, Department of Applied English, National Taichung University of Science and Technology
徐遠雄 Yuan-Hsiung Hsu
修平科技大學機械工程系副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hsiuping University of Science and Technology

本研究旨在探討運用鷹架支持理論和翻轉教學模式,融入專題式學習(project-based learning)課程的學生滿意與接受度。本研究採個案研究法,以二技與四技修習「專題製作導論」的86位學生為研究對象。課程設計運用學生同儕端、教師端與業界專家端等多元鷹架支持,進行知識整合的學習;另運用翻轉教學技巧,包括使用line@和e-learning平臺,上傳學生課前、課後預習和複習影片與相關文件資料,進行小組討論並記錄學習日誌。期末各組以海報及全英語發表專題成果。主要量化分析教師自編之兩份問卷,於上、下學期調查學生對鷹架理論、翻轉教學、教師專業能力和課程的滿意度,並輔以質性深入訪談、學習日誌解讀及課室觀察紀錄以了解學生的學習狀況。研究結果顯示,學生對授課課程的滿意度與鷹架支持、翻轉教學、教師專業皆達到顯著正相關。質性分析亦顯示學生對於鷹架支持、翻轉教學、授課教師專業能力、小組合作學習、未來職場幫助等五項均表滿意。此外,二技學生之學習接受程度顯著高於四技學生。本研究結果可提供其他大學教師願意改變專題製作教學模式之參考。


This study discusses students’ satisfaction with and acceptance of a project-based course integrated with scaffolding theory and flipped teaching approaches. This study utilized a case study, participants were 86 students from two-year and four-year programs who took the “Introduction to Project Production” course. The course incorporated diverse scaffolding support from fellow students, instructors, and industrial experts to enable knowledge integration. The course also employed flipped teaching approaches, such as line@ and e-learning platforms, to upload videos and relevant materials for lesson preview and review, conduct group discussions, and record learning logs. At the end of the semester, each group of students presented their project outcome in English by using posters. The primary quantitative analysis entailed two questionnaires compiled by the instructor. They were administered in the first and second semester, respectively, to survey the students’ satisfaction with the scaffolding theory, flipped teaching approaches, instructors’ professional competency, and the course. Additionally, qualitative in-depth interview, interpretation of learning logs, and classroom observation were used to better understand the students’ learning conditions. The results indicated that the students’ satisfaction toward the course was significantly and positively associated with the scaffolding theory, flipped teaching approaches, and the instructors’ professional competency. The qualitative analysis revealed that all the students were satisfied with the scaffolding theory, flipped teaching approaches, the instructor’s professional competency, group learning, as well as indication the benefits to their future career brought from this course. Additionally, students in the two-year program exhibited higher acceptance of the course than did students in the four-year program. The results of this study may serve as a reference for other university instructors who are willing to change their method while teaching projectbased courses.


小組討論日誌、專題式學習(project-based learning)、專題製作、翻轉教學、鷹架理論


group discussion log, project-based learning, project production, f lipped teaching, scaffolding theory