In this study, a flipped-classroom model was developed for an anatomical physiology course, wherein five test scores of a unified proposition were compared to investigate differences among the learning outcomes of students. The research participants were second-year nursing students enrolled in a 5-year program at a junior college in northern Taiwan. The experimental group consisted of 112 students from 2 classes, wherein which teaching strategies such as flipped-teaching were combined with prerecorded lectures, note taking, an instant-feedback system, and self-prepared questions. A total of 168 students from three classes were assigned to the control group, which was subjected to a conventional lecture approach. The study results were as follows: (1) The five assessment scores of the students in the experimental and control groups varied according to time, with the experimental group yielding overall results (i.e., the results of two sessions) superior to those of the control group. (2) After adjusting the starting results of the two groups in their first year, more students in the experimental group were in the “continually high-scoring group” in terms of academic performance, and fewer were in the “gradually declining score group.” (3) Quality feedback and quantitative responses indicated that the students in the experimental group were satisfied with the flipped-teaching design. Overall, an anatomical physiology course that involved the integration of a flipped classroom with note taking, an instant-feedback system, and self-prepared questions resulted in significant improvements in the effectiveness of student learning.
anatomical physiology, experimental teaching, learning outcome, flipped teaching