第1卷 第2期
2018 / 9
pp. 79 - 113
Systemic Experiential Teaching Model: The Process and Results of Teaching School Counselors
趙文滔 Wentao Chao *
(國立臺北教育大學心理與諮商學系教授 Professor, Department of Psychology and Counseling, National Taipei University of Education)
趙文滔 Wentao Chao *
國立臺北教育大學心理與諮商學系教授 Professor, Department of Psychology and Counseling, National Taipei University of Education



The author of this study accumulated his teaching experience in three courses over the past decade (i.e., Family Therapy, Seminar in Systemic Collaboration in Counseling, and Seminar in Group Counseling Theory and Practice) to develop the Systemic Experiential Teaching Model. The said model was used in the Seminar in Systemic Collaboration in Counseling course offered by the Department of Psychology and Counseling Master’s Program of a university, after which the effectiveness of the model was explored. This study first explained the four dimensions of the model and the process of implementing such model. Subsequently, the study adopted qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate the students’ learning outcomes. The study results showed that most of the students thought favorably of and benefited from the experiential curriculum design of the model, the depth/breadth of teacher-student interaction and teacher demonstrations, and well-designed learning drill feedback mechanisms. These benefits also elevated the students’ motivation to continue learning related topics in the future. Lastly, this study reflected on and offered recommendations pertaining to the various dimensions of the model, namely, innovation, teacher-student relationships, and teacher development.




school psychology, systemic collaboration, systemic experiential teaching model, counseling