2022 / 6
pp. 111 - 165
The US and the Theory of the Undetermined Status of Taiwan: The Case of “The Question of Taiwan (Formosa)” in the United Nations, 1950
蕭道中 *
蕭道中 *

1950年6月韓戰爆發後,美國總統杜魯門(Harry Truman, 1884-1972)命令美軍進入臺灣海峽巡弋,執行海峽中立政策。在進行這項軍事部署時,杜魯門又表示臺灣島的法律地位尚未確立,其未來應由對日和約或聯合國考慮。此後,美國利用中華人民共和國向聯合國安全理事會控訴美國侵略臺灣的機會,建議安理會討論臺灣問題。並隨即向聯合國第五屆大會提出「臺灣問題案」,建議由聯合國處置臺灣的未來。臺灣問題既是第二次世界大戰的遺緒,又牽涉到中國內戰與國際冷戰等複雜因素;美國的主張因此引起英、印與中華民國等盟友的質疑,也受到社會主義陣營國家的批評。最後在中國人民志願軍加入韓戰的背景下,美國決定讓此案在聯合國大會中緩議擱置。考察其發展過程,將有助於理解冷戰初期臺灣問題的成因,與臺灣地位問題的歷史發展。


After the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950, President Truman ordered the U.S. navy to patrol the Taiwan Strait, in order to implement a policy of Taiwan Strait Neutralization. Truman also declared that Taiwan’s legal status has yet to be determined, its future should be considered according to the peace treaty with Japan or the United Nations. Thereafter, the U.S. submitted the “The Question of Taiwan (Formosa)” to the Fifth General Assembly of the United Nations. The Taiwan issue is both a legacy of the Second World War and a complex factor involving the Chinese Civil War and the International Cold War. The US’ proposal have aroused criticism from socialist countries, and questioned by allies such as Britain and India. In the end, the US decided to postpone the case because of Chinese troops enter the Korean Peninsula, and criticism of the US government at home and abroad. Examining development of this event will help researchers understand the complex connotation of East Asian issues in the early Cold War.




Cold War, United Nations, Korean War, Theory of the Undetermined Status of Taiwan