2011 / 12
pp. 97 - 163
Observing America: American Images in Taiwan Elites’ Writings and the American Educational Exchange Programs, 1950-1970
趙綺娜 *
趙綺娜 *
從1950到1960年代,有三千多位臺灣人曾經接受美國政府邀請赴美訪問。本研究找到十四位曾寫下當時訪美見聞或回憶錄者,來探究當時他們訪美的經驗,並分析他們如何解讀美國文化?美國政府邀訪目的是否達成? 本文認為,以國家宣傳而言,美國政府之邀訪大致是成功的。將臺灣受邀者所描述的美國形象,與當時美國政府對海外宣傳的自我形象相對照,發現差異不大。臺灣訪客參訪回來之後,多半對美國懷有正面印象。不過,臺灣訪客觀察美國會受到自身的文化背景與經驗的影響,因此他們解讀美國社會、文化有時會產生曲解或誤解。
In the period of reform and rebellion in England, 1258-1267, the issue of land stood out at two particular moments: during the widespread attacks and spoliation of royalists' properties in the summer of 1263, and the confiscation and later restoration of rebels' lands in 1265 and 1266. The attacks on land brought Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester, to power, and the thoroughness of the attacks can best be seen in the case of the royal councilor John Mansel. The failure of the reformers adequately to restore lands to the victims in the autumn explains the briefness of Earl Simon's first period in power. In 1265, after the Battle of Evesham, the king instituted a policy of total confiscation of rebel lands, which he then granted out to royalist supporters, with Robert Walerand as one of the major beneficiaries. The Dictum of Kenilworth in 1266, however, mitigated the harshness of the treatment of former rebels. This article argues that a respect for the right of inheritance was behind such a change in policy, and was a basic assumption common to the entire polity.
Educational exchange; Cold war; US public diplomacy; US-Taiwan relations