The importance of Tokugawa Confucian Ito Jinsai(伊藤仁齊) in Japanese Neo-Confucian history lies on his anti-Zhu Xi(朱熹) character, including his: 1. emphasizing political utilitarianism rather than individual moralism; 2stressing the importance of daily human relationships rather than Zhu Xi's investigation of things to explore principle, etc. To trace the intellectual critical crossroad between Ito Jinsai and Zhu Xi, the author would like to point out the Chinese charactor "實"(pronounced "shi" in PINYIN, and as "zitsu" in Japanese). The character "實" is the most conspicious and frequent one in Ito Jinsai1s writings. It is usually used by Ito Jinsai to connote social and utilitarian meanings of a uniquely Japanese style. Especially, the term "實理" is used by Ito Jinsai to exlude any ontological and metaphisical meanings, as conspiciously connoted in Zhu Xi's thought. Starting from this special usage of the character "實", Ito Jinsai developed up his explanation of Confucianism in great contrast with that of traditional Chinese intellectuals represented by Zhu Xi.
Ito Jinsai 伊藤仁齋;Shi 實;Shi-li 實理;Shi-gan 實感;Tokugawa intellectual history;utilitarianism