2002 / 12
pp. 243 - 288
Cette belle viande: Cézanne's Bathers and the Notion of Correspondences in the Mid-Nineteenth Century
劉巧楣 *
劉巧楣 *
Modern woman is one of the major Impressionist subjects. The variations on indoor toilette and outdoor baigneuses are particularly fascinating, signaling the radical change of French society since the 1860s. From 1880 onward, bath scenes are among the most spectacular works of Cezanne. In his female bathers, the rough figures are rendered almost expressive by the vibrating touches and colors of the landscape. The personages become numerous in the 1890s, while the landscapes turn more vibrating with differentiated touches. Cezanne’s numerous female bathers are not very different from his bathers. Cezanne’s separation and assimilation of the two sexes are not only psychological reflection, but also pinpoint the gender problem in France in the second half of the nineteenth century. Cezanne’s figure painting and modern subjects had not been duly considered until recent psychological approaches concerning his bathers. Such studies, however, focus on the figures or some certain shapes. I trace a series depicting Bathsheba and explain how Cezanne transfers his nudes from toilette setting to bath scenes around 1875. Adopting the technique of transposition in caricature, he stresses on the landscapes rather than on the figures. His bath scenes after 1880 tune to Baudelairean correspondences in pursuit of the primeval harmony between man and nature, reflecting contemporary gender relationship. Viewed from Cezanne’s approach, Impressionist landscapes are expressions of human emotion, not only the objective representations of nature.
Baudelaire;Caricature;Cézanne;correspondences;Impressionism;nature;nineteenth century;woman