2000 / 6
pp. 119 - 150
Yen Fu's Interpretation of Western Classics: Prespectives and Historical Significance
麥勁生 *
麥勁生 *
This article applies concepts drawn from Western hermeneutics to examine Yen Fu's interpretation of Western liberal classics. Taking the relationship between the interpreter's lifeworld and the text's limitless content as the point of departure, the article explores how various factors — including Yen Fu's early life, the orthodox education he received, the knowledge of Western science, technology, and social systems he acquired during his stay in England, the frustrations he experienced after returning to China, and the crisis in China during the last decade of the nineteenth century — interacted to create his worldview, and how this worldview affected his understanding of Thomas Huxley, Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, and Montesquieu's masterpieces. The main body of the article strives to demonstrate that the ideas of freedom and of empirical science were the key concepts in Yen Fu's works. However, since Yen Fu endeavored on the one hand to find a way to make China a powerful and wealthy nation, and on the other hand to preserve the Chinese traditional order, his translations of Smith's The Wealth of Nations, Mill's On Liberty, and Montesquieu's The Spirit of the Laws succinctly expressed his concern about the relations between freedom, progress, and social order. At the same time, his belief that empirical science was the most effective way to real knowledge was revealed in his translation of Spencer's The Study of Sociology and Mill's Logic. The article concludes that although Yen Fu's translations, which were in fact the fusion of his horizons and the contents of these texts, inevitably distorted the intended meaning of these great Western minds, their historical significance is not overshadowed by these distortions.
Yen Fu;Hermenutics;Interpretation;Liberalism;Freedom;Western classics;Empirical science