Album to See the Large within the Small, now a part of the National Palace Museum collection, Taipei, was formally entitled Album of Paintings after Song and Yuan Masters in Reduced Scale. It was called “To See the Large within the Small” because there were four Chinese characters, “xiao zhong xian da (to see the large within the small)” written on the first page of the album in big scale. The album includes reduced copies of twenty-two famous paintings from the Song and Yuan dynasty, eighteen of which contain Dong Qi-Chang’s colophon writing, the contents of his writing include his connoisseurship opinions about these paintings, his evaluations toward these masters, his discussion of their origins of styles, and the collective history of these famous paintings. It is an important material for us to research the Seventeenth Century paintings and history. This essay will concern itself with the significance of Album to See the Large within the Small and its relationship to it’s painter, Wang Shi-Min. First of all there are perspectives, where I will analyze the practical function of Album to See the Large within the Small and its relationship with Wang Shi-Min’s painting career. This will be accomplished in the context of “painting learning” and “painter’s practice.” Secondly, I will analyze it from the context of picturing the collection to discuss the relationship between Album to See the Large within the Small and Wang Shi-Min’s art collection and to explain his intention of picturing an album for his collection. Thirdly, I will trace back the origin of the term “to see the large within the small” and its meaning to the Orthodox School painters, to define the relationship between the album and Wang Shi-Min’s action of establishing paradigm. It is my intention to locate a position for the meaning of Album to See the Large within the Small and its impact in the development of Chinese painting.
小中現大冊; 倣宋元人縮本畫及跋; 縮本; 典範; 正統派; 王時敏; 四王; 董其昌
To See the Large within the Small; Album of Paintings after Song and Yuan Masters in Reduced Scale; reduced copy; paradigm; the Orthodox School; Wang Shi-Min; four Wangs; Dong Qi-Chang