實徵研究已證實業師協作教學的教育價值。在線上課程設計的專題實作中,導入兼具教學專業知能和線上課程設計實務經驗的業師,不僅可培養學生的團隊與協作技能,還可提供學生多面向思考的機會。然而,如何讓業師不受時間和空間限制全程參與學生的設計歷程,將是業師協作教學的一大挑戰。本研究旨在MOOCs專題實作課程中,導入業師以培養學生線上課程教學設計的專業能力,並探討學生教學設計專業知能TPACK變化及其學習經驗。三位業師,分別具備數學、自然、英文專業教師資格和MOOCs設計實務經驗,以及33位大學生參與本研究。學生以3~4人自由組隊形成九個團隊,每一位業師分別帶領三個團隊。每一個團隊根據業師學科專長,選擇一個1~9年級的學習單元作為實作主題,進行MOOCs的設計與製作。團隊使用Line、Google Drive和Google Meet,形成同步和非同步的線上協作機制,讓業師和大學生以小組線上協作的方式,並根據ADDIE系統化教學設計流程,進行為期11週MOOCs的教學設計和製作。研究者分別於實作前後,以自編的「線上課程設計TPACK問卷」和「線上協作滿意度問卷」進行前測與後測,最後並隨機選取三組學生,分別進行半結構式團體訪談。經成對樣本t檢定結果顯示,所有學生在參與實作課程學習後,他們的PK、CK、TK、TPK、PCK、TCK以及TPACK七種能力皆獲得提升。從問卷和訪談資料分析可知,整體而言,有89.15%的學生對團隊線上協作感到滿意,對於實作課程也是持高度正向的態度。在本文最後,研究者亦針對後續研究和教育推廣提出了相關的建議。
Empirical research has demonstrated the educational value of collaborative teaching with industry experts. Industrial experts with professional teaching knowledge and experience in designing online courses can be integrated into project-based practical courses for online course design to promote teamwork, collaboration, and multidimensional thinking among students. However, designing such courses requires time and space, which might be challenging for collaborative teaching. This study introduced the knowledge of industrial experts into massive open online courses (MOOCs) to develop students’ instructional design skills for online courses. We investigated the change in students’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) and learning experiences. Thirty-three college students, three industrial experts, and three other instructors with MOOC experience participated in this study. The students grouped themselves into teams of 3-4 individuals, and nine student teams participated in this study. Each team selected a learning unit for grades 1-9, and each industrial expert mentored three teams. The implemented project lasted 11 weeks and required students to collaborate online asynchronously and synchronously through LINE, Google Drive, and Google Meet. The analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation procedure was adopted in this study. Two revised questionnaires, namely “TPACK questionnaire for online course design” and “satisfaction questionnaire for online collaboration,” were used in this study. Three teams were randomly selected to conduct semi structured interviews at the end of the course. Results of a paired t test revealed that students developed several skills after participating in the conducted course. Overall, satisfactory results were obtained from 89.15% of the participants, and students had a positive attitude toward the course. Suggestions for follow-up research and educational promotion are also provided in this paper.
instructional design, project-based practical course, industrial experts, online collaboration, massive open online courses (MOOCs)