2004 / 3
pp. 1 - 48
Painting as History : A Study of the Thirteen Emperors Scroll attributed to Yan Liben
陳葆真 Pao-chen Chen *
(國立臺灣大學藝術史研究所 Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University)
陳葆真 Pao-chen Chen *
國立臺灣大學藝術史研究所 Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University

本文結合風格分析和文獻資料,對傳閻立本(約600-673)《十三帝王圖》(波士頓博物館藏)提出三方面的研究:1 ) 探究畫卷後段圖像和題記的真偽和文獻根據;2 ) 解釋此段畫面的圖像意涵和文化脈絡;3 ) 討論畫卷前段圖像與題記的相關問題。作者發現,畫卷後段的七組帝王群像和相關題記可分為原跡,摹補,和添加等三組。原來帝王依序應為梁簡文帝(原誤為陳文帝)、梁元帝(原誤為陳廢帝)、陳宣帝、陳後主、後周武帝、隋文帝和隋煬帝。畫家藉種種圖像上的對比,評論南北朝兩方在政治、文化、和宗教上不同的措施和成效。其觀點正反映了唐太宗(599-649)在《貞觀政要》(約720)和《帝範》(648)二書中所論的前朝得失和治國之道。畫卷前段的六個帝王圖像,除漢昭帝(題記誤置,應為王莽)之外,全仿後周武帝和侍者的造形。此段畫卷應成於十一世紀中期之前。《十三帝王圖》原畫之製作,與唐太宗時期修撰梁、陳、齊、周、隋等五朝史書的背景關係密切。此畫完成的時間上限應在七世紀中期,即《南史》與《北史》二書完成(659)之後,下限應在八世紀初年,即《貞觀政要》成書的前後。


This paper focuses on three issues of the Thirteen Emperors attributed to Yan Liben (c.600-673): 1) authentication of the portraits and the inscription on the latter half of the scroll; 2) connotations and cultural context of the portraits; and 3) iconographical problems of the portraits on the first section of the scroll. In this paper, the author identifies Emperors “Chen Wendi” and “Chen Feidi” to be Emperors Liang Jianwendi and Liang Yuandi on the latter section of the scroll, and reads the seven portraits of the emperors on this section as political emblems of Liang (502-557), Chen (557-589), Later Zhou (556-581), and Sui (581-618) Dynasties. She discovers that the textual sources for the execution of these seven portraits and the inscription include history books of Liang, Chen, Later Zhou, and Sui (compiled from 629 to 644), and particularly, History of the Northern Dynasties and History of the Southern Dynasties (compiled from 643 to 659). The latter date suggests the terminus a quo for the execution of this section. According to the author, the representation of the emperors of the Northern and the Southern Dynasties exhibits sharp contrast in their poses, costume, and attributes. She also points out that their iconographical details and accompanying inscription clearly reflect Emperor Tang Taizong’s (599-649) evaluation of the political, religious, and military achievements of these dynasties found in Di Fan (Principles of Rulership, 648) and Zhenguan Zhengyao (Political Principles of the Zhenguan Reign). Zhenguan Zhengyao was completed around 720, which suggests the terminus ad quem for the execution of this section. The six emperors on the first section of the scroll are iconographically patterned upon Emperor Wudi of the Later Zhou on the latter section, except for the beginning Emperor, “Former Han Zhaowendi.” According to the author, this image should be identified as Wang Mang (45BCE-23CE), whose casual dress signifies his unorthodox regime (8-23CE), which intervenes between the Eastern Han (206BCE-8CE) and the Western Han (23CE-220) Dynasties. Because three earliest Song (960-1127) colophons at the end of the scroll date to 1058-1060 this section of the scroll must have been completed prior to the mid-eleventh century.


《十三帝王圖》; 閻立本; 郎餘令; 唐太宗; 《貞觀政要》; 《帝範》; 南史; 北史; 南北朝; 帝王; 梁簡文帝; 梁元帝; 陳宣帝; 後周武帝; 正統觀


The Thirteen Emperors; Yan Liben; Lang Yuling; Tang Taizong; Zhenguan Zhengyao; Di Fan; Nanshi; Beishi; The Northern and the Southern Dynasties; Liang Jianwendi; Liang Yuandi; Chen Xuandi; Hou-Zhou Wudi; political orthodoxy