Paintings of horses constitute an important genre in the Yuan paintings. Not only great in number, they also attracted many Yuan literati to compose poems and articles for them, so it is no wonder that they have been a popular topic in the historical studies of Chinese paintings. However, of all the studies on the Yuan paintings of horses so far, only “fu-ku” approach sounds historically relevant; new approaches are unconvincing either because of lacks of a solid foundation on material or committing the mistake of over-interpretation.
Focusing on Chao Yung's “Noble Steeds”, this paper tries to explain what made the painting of horses so popular in Yuan dynasty. In this painting, Chao Yung used the metaphor of “Scratching horse” to suggest military generals touching their old wounds and aspiring to return to battlefields. The genre of paintings presents us a clue to the social network in which the Yuan painters, literati who wrote poems and articles for the paintings, and their sponsors helped each other rise to a higher cultural and political plane. The social function of the paintings was possible mostly because a multiethnic ruling stratum had formed in Yuan dynasty.
趙雍; 駿馬圖; 多族士人圈; 揩癢馬
Chao Yung; Noble Steeds; multiethnic Iiterati; scratching horse