本文主要是擬考察1998年於印尼勿里洞島(Belitung Island)海域發現被命名為黑石號(Batu Hitam)的唐代沉船中之陶瓷器,兼及該沉船可能的航路。由黑石號沉船所打撈上岸的中國陶瓷器計約六萬餘件,作品主要燒製於九世紀的湖南長沙窯、浙江越窯、河北邢窯和廣東窯系等瓷窯。除此之外,沉船還發現了三件可能來自河南鞏縣窯的所謂唐青花瓷以及近兩百件的白釉綠彩鉛釉陶器。後者白釉綠彩陶器的產地學界見解分歧,本文則是推論其可能是來自河北地區瓷窯場所生產,同時不排除是來自著名的邢窯窯場所燒製。從黑石號沉船出土陶瓷的組合以及中國以外地區的考古標本並考慮到當時的航運路線,本文認為黑石號沉船可能是於揚州解纜出港,其最終目的地是波斯灣著名的東洋貿易港尸羅夫(Siraf)。
In 1998, a sunken T'ang dynasty vessel, known at the Batu Hitam, was discovered off the coast of Belitung Island, Indonesia. The present essay attempts to reconstruct, by way of a detailed examination of its ceramic cargo, the original route of this fated vessel. Approximately 60,000 ceramic items were recovered from the Batu Hitam wreck. The majority of these were fired during the 9th century at the Ch'ang-sha kilns in Hunan, the Yueh kilns of Chekiang, the Hsing kilns in Hopei, and at various Kwangtung kilns. The discovery also included three pieces of so-called T'ang 'blue-and-white' ware, fired at the Kung-hsien kilns in Honan, as well as nearly 200 pieces of white ware with painted green décor. The provenance of this last set of pieces has sparked a deal of scholarly controversy. Here, I suggest that they hail from kilns in the Hobei region, and may in fact be the products of the famous Hsing kilns themselves. Judging from the diversity of the Batu Hitam's ceramic cargo, excavated samples of Chinese ceramics in foreign countries, and from what we know of T'ang era shipping routes, I conclude that the Batu Hitam embarked from the port of Yangchow and that its intended destination was the famous Persian trade center and crossroads of Siraf.
黑石號; 唐代陶瓷; 揚州; 長沙窯; 越窯; 鞏縣窯
Batu Hitam; T'ang ceramics; Yangchow; Ch'ang-sha ware; Yüeh ware; Kung-hsien ware