The Chinese painter of the first half of the 19th century has commonly been viewed as a creatively passive individual lacking all sense of artistic purpose. This article attempts to take a close and critical look at this image by taking Chang Yin (1761-1829) as an example, whose work emerges forcefully as representative material in the case. Chang Yin's handscroll Chin-k'ou san-shan t'u, executed in 1827 for the Provincial Governor of Kiangsi, T'ao Shu (1779-1839), presents the viewer with a detailed and faithful description of actual scenery of his hometown province, the “Three Mountains of the Chen-chiang River Delta” (chin-k'ou san-shan). The very strong sense of realism that speaks through this handscroll painting, is markedly different from the fictitious imagery represented in archaistic landscape painting. In its description of actual Chen-chiang scenery, there is ample reference to the lyric tradition of topographical painting, as well as to the tradition of cartographic painting. The painter clearly not only resorts to direct observation, but also bases himself upon systematic knowledge of the actual geography of the region. The image of the Chen-chiang river delta as a strategic river fortress and key center of river transport that unfolds with the painting, perfectly matches the spirit of realism and sense of political duty that inspired its patron, T'ao Shu. This was an attitude that not only characterized the New Statecraft School of the Tao-kuang period (1821-1850), but also the intelligentsia of pre-Opium War China in general, a spirit that was in a sense a forerunner of the late Ch'ing Reform Movement.
張崟; 京口三山圖; 陶澍; 經世之學
Chang Yin; Chin-k'ou sail-shall t'u; T'ao Shu; Statecraft School