1999 / 9
pp. 1 - 28
Gaps in Ceramic Production/ Distribution and the Rise of Multinational Traders In 15th Century Asia
何翠楣(Chuimei Ho); Malcolm N. Smith *
(The Field Museum The Field Museum)
何翠楣(Chuimei Ho); Malcolm N. Smith *
The Field Museum The Field Museum




The political map of 15th century Asia is a turbulent one. The menace of Mongolian power had been removed from most of the continent, allowing the Han-Chinese and Koreans in particular, to reestablish their respective societies and economies. A new Asian world order was coming into being in which China played a key role. The newly introduced Chinese tribute trade policy institutionalized foreign trade with China as an inter-governmental system. The fact that this new policy severely restricted Chinese merchants in their international trade activities, clearly demonstrates the authority of the new Ming regime. Paradoxically, this Ming policy did not only encourage Asian traders to engage more actively in this profitable official tribute trade, but also in illicit private trade. New or improved technologies developed along with new Asian trade relationships, enhancing the volume and intensity of trade. The widespread acceptance of Islam in the Malaysian peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and even at the Chinese court, constituted a major element of social change in the region.

The article discusses high-fired glazed ceramics of 15th century Asia against this background of political, social, technological, and economic changes. In particular the so-called "gap" theory is examined, which surmises the existence of gaps in ceramic production and trade of this period. The authors suggest that Asian ceramic trade in this period be viewed as a multinational enterprise with new international participants. They point out that besides the presence of non-indigenous, multinational traders, a rise in regional ceramic centers with indigenous traders specializing in local trade may Also be detected. This paper focuses its discussion on two such dynamic ethnic groups: Sino-Southeast Asians and Ryukyuans.


南海; 陶瓷生產空白期; 陶瓷外銷空白期; 跨國貿易商; 琉球


South China Sea; ceramic production gap; ceramic export gap; multinational traders; Ryukyu