1999 / 9
pp. 115 - 136
Vietnam and Vietnamese Ceramics in the 15th Century
Trinh Cao Tuong *
(Vietnam Institute of Archaeology Vietnam Institute of Archaeology)
Trinh Cao Tuong *
Vietnam Institute of Archaeology Vietnam Institute of Archaeology



The 15th century is considered a golden age in Vietnamese`s history, especially after the establishment of the Le dynasty in 1428. It saw the establishment of a unified nation with a strong feudal and bureaucratic government, intensified agriculture, advances in science and literature, and a continued development of crafts and trade. In contrast to the existence of ample reference to ceramic production in literary as well as transmitted materials, archaeological excavations have not yet yielded absolute dates for 15th century Vietnamese wares. In this article, the author first discusses criteria developed by Vietnamese`s archaeologists for the dating of ceramics of the period. From a combined assessment of cultural levels of excavation sites, comparison with dated wears, and comparison of decorative elements with non-ceramic dated material such as stones steles and wood sculptures, a general picture of 15th century ceramics has begun to emerge. Major features have been distinguished: a sustained development of monochrome ceramics from previous centuries, decline of brown-decorated ceramics, flourishing production and export of blue-and-white wares, and a continuity in style until the establishment of the Mac dynasty in 1527. The author furthermore indicates certain social and economic implications of these findings. While the social role of ceramic wares is illustrated in historical sources, production of sophisticated blue-and-white wares stylistically unlike earlier Vietnamese ceramics clearly reflects Chinese cultural influences, as well as the existence of stable institutions. The fact that manufacturers personally signed their products reveals that the role of the individual was now recognized as a creative force in Vietnamese society. The small market share held by Vietnamese export ceramics in the international market of the time, was a result of limits imposed by foreign trade policies as well as by production capacity.


十五世紀; 越南; 越南陶瓷


15th century; Vietnam; Vietnamese ceramics