第6卷 第2期
2023 / 9
pp. 61 - 101
Integrating Reflection and Multiple Teaching Strategies into a Psycho-Oncology Course
楊惠卿 Hui-Ching Yang *
(中國文化大學心理輔導學系助理教授 Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling Psychology, Chinese Culture University)
楊惠卿 Hui-Ching Yang *
中國文化大學心理輔導學系助理教授 Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling Psychology, Chinese Culture University

「心理腫瘤學」乃跨領域之新興課程,是以全人健康照護觀點瞭解癌症患者的情緒感受、身心壓力以及跨團隊合作的心理社會介入模式。本研究旨在探討學生對於「心理腫瘤學」課程的學習經驗,以及在全人關懷理念的涵養與改變,以110學年度選修心理腫瘤學課程的54位學生 為對象,規劃融合學理知識、技能訓練到體驗反思,以連結學習的點線面,採取翻轉教學、反思寫作、合作學習、繪本媒材、業師協同、問題解決等多元教學方法。同時,以教學行動研究方式,針對學生及研究者的反思內容及半結構焦點訪談等相關資料,透過質性研究主題分析,研究結果包括學生認同多元教材教法有助同理體會、面對課堂學習的情緒覺察與期待、增加對生死議題的情緒覺察及自我關照、對於生命韌性與成長的體認、安寧療護及病人自主迷思的釐清,以及心理師角色在醫療 場域的看法,同時,期末成果作品能融入全人關照理念並以多元創意媒材表達。此外,研究者闡述教學過程與成果並進行教學實務反思,以回應教學實務現場的問題與需求。最後,提出優化心理腫瘤學課程的相關建議,作為後續教學調整之參考依據。


Psycho-oncology is a new cross-disciplinary course with a whole-person approach to health care. This study explored the learning experiences of students taking a psycho-oncology course and the optimization of the course design. The research included 54 students and involved the use of various teaching methods, including flipped learning, reflective writing, collaborative learning, multimedia material use, expert cooperation, and problem-solving. Action research methods were adopted to understand students’ learning experiences and teachers’ responses to problems within the teaching site. We found that the multi-teaching approach not only fostered empathy but also highlighted the importance of addressing emotional challenges during classroom learning. Furthermore, this approach facilitated the cultivation of resilience and growth among students and clarified the aspects of palliative care, patient autonomy, and the roles of counselors in medical fields. The findings may guide the formulation of effective psycho-oncology courses and facilitate the implementation of teaching adjustments.




psycho-oncology, action research in teaching, holistic health care, reflective writing