1936年日本退出倫敦海軍軍縮會議後,使得日本海軍得以脫離第一次世界大 戰後海軍軍縮條約的限制,陸續在臺灣新設海軍基地及所屬航空部隊的駐地與飛 行場。但當時因對華南與南洋戰略和航程之考量,海軍建立基地及飛行場主要均 設在高雄地區,一定程度影響同時期總督府在高雄工業地帶的規劃與發展。因 此,日本海軍如何與高雄州方面進行協商換地的複雜過程,為本文首要討論的重 點。其次,本文從殖民地軍政關係的角度切入,深入探析軍事發展與本地工業化 推展過程中的相互連動關係。最後,藉由日本帝國整體航空軍需發展的考量,進 一步從日本對臺灣工業化及產業發展之設定,檢視臺灣在帝國整體航空軍需原料 加工,以及本地的資源供給方面所能扮演的角色。研究發現,臺灣能提供的航空 軍需項目,主要還是以符合臺灣本地所產資源的相關產業為主,其他原本認為重 要或是在當時大肆宣傳的產業,在對帝國的實際整體貢獻度上,或許只是毫不起 眼的「錦上添花」而已。
Following Japan’s withdrawal from the Second London Naval Disarmament Conference in 1936, the Japanese Navy began establishing a series of naval bases, naval air stations, and airfields in Taiwan, as it was no longer bound by the constraints of the Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armament signed after the First World War. The locations of the Navy’s bases and airfields concentrated in the Kaohsiung area, which reflected distance range considerations that the Navy had based on its South China and South Seas strategies. This concentration of military installations impacted, to some degree, the concurrent planning and development of Kaohsiung’s industrial area under the direction of the Taiwan Government-General. The interaction between these two sets of policy concerns, therefore, is the primary focus of this paper. This paper first discusses the complex land-swapping negotiations between the Japanese Navy and the authorities of the Takao Prefecture. Secondly, this paper examines the colony’s military-political relationship and using it as a vintage point in exploring the correlation between military development and the promotion of local industrialization. Lastly, taking into account of both Japan’s planning for its overall air force supply and Japan’s vision for Taiwan’s industrialization and industrial capacity, this paper analyzes the dual role Taiwan played in providing materiel reprocessing for the Imperial Air Force and in supplying for its local economy. This study finds that Taiwan’s actual production capacity and range were not as robust as propagated at the time. The air force materiel that Taiwan provided was primarily products associated with Taiwan’s indigenous resources. Other categories of materiel that had been initially considered vital or conspicuously advertised by Japan were insignificant when measured against the Empire’s actual aggregate amount.
海軍航空隊; 海軍F要地; 高雄工業地帶; 工業化; 航空軍需產業
Naval Air Service; Navy Site F; Kaohsiung Industrial Area; Industrialization; Material Industry of the Air Force