「中醫長於內科、西醫長於外科」的口號在民國時期已成為一般民眾之既 定成見。在中日戰爭以前,雖然中醫界對於外科和傷科的檢討偶爾見諸於報刊, 但是整個中醫界的檢討還是著重在內科知識的層面。直到中日戰爭爆發後,落後 且無系統的中醫外傷學科、藥方才開始被大量提出來檢討,並延續到戰爭之後。 本文的重點即在梳理戰爭如何迫使中醫界重新審視自身的學術發展、西醫的新技 術如何影響中醫的外傷學科知識轉型,以及面對戰時的挑戰,中醫界如何定義一 般人認為落後且陳舊的外傷學科?探討這段歷史具有重要的意義,因為它正處於 1949年全新中醫史開展之前。往下深耕之前必先立基,明暸中醫在中日戰爭時期 的轉型經驗,才能更全面的理解中國醫療史、專業學科史,並補充目前學界對中 日戰爭史之總體認識,凸顯戰爭對一時代之科技文化所帶來的深遠影響。
A popular view among Chinese in the Republican era was that “Traditional Chinese medicine is good at treating internal diseases, while Western medicine excels at surgery.” Before the Sino-Japanese War, although articles on surgery and traumatology written by the traditional Chinese medical community were occasionally found in newspapers and magazines, most discussions on traditional Chinese medicine were still focused on the knowledge of internal medicine. After the outbreak of the war, the backward and unsystematic discipline of Chinese traumatology began to review a large number of prescriptions, and this trend continued till after the war. This study examines how the war affected the understanding by traditional Chinese medical community of its own academic development, how the new technology of Western medicine influenced this knowledge transformation, and how traditional Chinese medical community tried to define its traumatology, which was thought as backward and outdated by most people. If a discipline needs to be further developed, it must first have a basic understanding of its own roots. The wartime growth was critical as it occurred on the eve of major developments in Traditional Chinese surgery and traumatology after 1949. By exploring this knowledge transformation, it is hoped that a more comprehensive understanding of the history of the traditional Chinese medicine, and a deeper appreciation of the impact of the Sino-Japanese War on science and culture of that era, may be obtained.
中日戰爭; 外傷科; 消毒; 中藥; 醫療史
Sino-Japanese War; surgery and traumatology; disinfection; Chinese herb; medical history