Su Shi once claimed that there exists no relation between Heaven and humans; however, he considered those who did not believe in any connections between Heaven and humans audacious. Su doubted the significance of praying; while praying regularly with frequent engagement in fortune-telling activities. How to interpret these ‘seemingly’ contradictory remarks? This paper, starting from investigating ‘the Stone Tablet of Han Wengong’s Temple in Chaozou’, testifies theses such as, the communication and relations between Heaven and human, the flood-like Qi, the transformation of Qi, the response from praying, the relations of Wen and Dao, linking the findings with texts related to Su Shi as well as the Song people. The paper points out: 1. Su Shi’s advocate of there being no relations between Heaven and human only applies to figurative god and the summons of god by Daoist priest. He reckoned that ghost and god in Heaven and earth cannot communicate with human directly; therefore Qi was used as a medium for communication. Regarding the reward and retribution for good and evil deeds, Su perceived that the interaction between Heaven and human is rapid. 2. Su held that everything came from the transformation of Qi. Based on this assumption, he proposed that Jing Qi(精氣) as ghost, while Zhi Qi(志氣) referred to the flood-like Qi as well as gods. The flood-like Qi is more amazing than all creatures for it transforms as stars in Heaven, as rivers and mountains in earth, and as gods after sages died. These concepts, being Su’s views about Heaven and human all along, have been repeatedly found in ‘A prayer for Confucian’, ‘Su’s Elucidation on I’ and both public and private writings such as memorials to the throne as well as letters. This concept differed from Zhang Zai’s way of interpreting god as the unpredictable part of Heaven, Cheng Yi’s and Cheng Hao’s advocate of all Qi was god and Zhu Xi’s stance of god and ghost being the creatures of the nature. 3. Su frequently cited allusions about ghost and god in Han Yu’s works, pointing out that he had the same Ming Gong(命宮)as Han’s Shen Gong(身宮)and what they have been through were the consequences of human, but not Heaven. ‘The Stone Tablet of Han Wengong’s Temple in Chaozou’ was the depict of both Han Yu and Su himself. Su perceived Han’s and his own Wen and Dao were the same, holding the stance that they did not commit wrong doings when alive and they would not fall after death.
蘇軾; 氣論; 文道觀; 天人之辨; 潮州韓文公廟碑
Su Shi; Theory of Qi; Conception of Wen and Dao; Heaven and Human; the Stone Tablet of Han Wengong’s Temple in Chaozou