2024 / 6
pp. 133 - 168
Teaching Performance of Mobile Learning in Architectural Feng Shui
郭進泰 Chin-Tai Kuo *
(中國文化大學土地資源學系 Department of Land Resources, Chinese Culture University)
郭進泰 Chin-Tai Kuo *
中國文化大學土地資源學系 Department of Land Resources, Chinese Culture University

本研究主要以Google街景功能與Zuvio系統作為行動學習工具,並採用BOPPPS教學模式,探討將行動學習導入建築風水學之學習成效。研究 目的:一、探討行動學習是否可降低學生在課程使用手機於非課程軟體的問題;二、探討行動學習工具是否可使學生藉由即時反饋而提升學習建築風水學之動機與興趣;三、探討將行動學習工具應用於「建築風水學」之教學是否能夠提升學生之學習成效。主要發現:一、因行動學習教學模式經常需使用手機於課堂之操作,而使得學生減少將手機使用於非課程上的功能;二、將行動學習之工具應用於建築風水學上,在學習動機與學習策略上都得到的正面回饋;三、將行動學習工具應用於「建築風水學」之學習成效,主要呈現在以下三項:(一)學生於短期的態度覺知的轉變上,學生認為學習建築風水學後對於其未來在「投資不動產」、「購置住屋」、「居家設計」與「工作職場」具有正向的助益;(二)在BOPPPS之前後測課堂專業知識測驗上,顯示在將行動學習工具應用於建築風水學的教學,學生的專業知識有顯著提升;(三)將行動學習與BOPPPS教學模式導入建築風水學之教學模式對於教師之教學評量分數具有提升效果,但對於學期總成績方面則較無顯著提升效果。


This study investigated the effect of incorporating mobile learning tools, specifically Google Street View and Zuvio, into architectural Feng Shui education through the BOPPPS teaching model. The research goals were as follows: (1) to determine whether mobile learning can reduce students?use of mobile phones in nonacademic activities during class, (2) to investigate whether mobile learning can increase students?motivation and interest in learning architectural Feng Shui by providing real-time feedback, and (3) to determine whether integrating mobile learning into architectural Feng Shui education can enhance learning outcomes. Overall, the results indicate that the proposed mobile learning approach effectively reduced students?use of mobile phones for nonacademic activities. In addition, integrating mobile learning into architectural Feng Shui education positively affected student motivation and learning strategies. In terms of short-term changes in attitude, the students identified four benefits of learning architectural Feng Shui. These benefits pertained to real-estate investment, home purchase, home design, and workplace enhancement. According to the BOPPPS classroom professional knowledge pretest and posttest, the students?professional knowledge significantly improved when mobile learning tools were used. Introducing mobile learning and BOPPPS teaching models into architectural Feng Shui education also led to improved teaching evaluation scores but had no significant effect on overall semester grades.




BOPPPS teaching mode, Google Street View, Zuvio, mobile learning, architectural Feng Shui