The early style of 18th-century Canton porcelain (or guangcai in Chinese) had a close relation to porcelain with overglaze decoration from Jingdezhen and early painted enamel on copperware from Canton. However, between roughly 1735 and 1740, guangcai decoration evidently displayed the influence of Western styles and decorative elements, reaching new heights during the period from the 1760s to 1780s in a trend that continued into the next century. More specifically, particular designs and decorative elements, as well as the relevant techniques applied to painted enamelware from the Germanic regions of the 17th and early 18th centuries, seem to feature some of the designs of guangcai decoration. Early research has indicated that partial decoration of Meissen porcelain and painted enamelware from Augsburg can be observed on guangcai, but in-depth investigation and analysis are not given. However, as Guangzhou was the main port to the West during the Qing Dynasty, guangcai witnessed the golden age of global trade and the exchange of culture, art, and craftsmanship between Qing China and the West, and the court and the local, all of which deserve in-depth study. This paper aims to explore how Germanic-painted enamelware influenced and transferred its designs and relevant techniques to guangcai.
廣彩; 畫琺瑯; 墨彩描金; 黑色琺瑯針釉法; 日耳曼地區錫釉陶; 麥森瓷器; 維也納杜巴契瓷器
guangcai; Canton porcelain; painted enamel; encre de chine; Schwarzlot; German faience; Meissen porcelain; Du Paquier porcelain