This paper discusses the image of elderly during the Han dynasty, with a focus on different historical writings from the Han era, mainly Sima Qian’s Shi Ji. The main body of the paper falls into three areas. First, I undertake a brief comparison of the image of “elderly” in Shi Ji and in other Han texts,that discussi the concept of “elderly.” Second, I provide an overview of the changes and the development of the “elderly’s” image in the Shi Ji. This includes all records of “elderly” found in the Shi Ji. The latter will be fully investigated in this paper. Lastly, the paper clarifies the definition and meaning of “elderly,” to give a full picture of the concept pf “elderly” in Sima Qian’s Shi Ji.
太史公;司馬遷; 《史記》;長者; 西漢
Sima Qian;Shi Ji;Image of Elderly;Han Dynasty