The primary sources of the Tiantai school in Chinese Buddhism often resort to the means of “paradoxical discourse” to present their doctrinal frameworks. This specific linguistic strategy is rooted in the Mahāyāna concept of liberation and was adopted and developed by Tiantai’s textual tradition. The purpose of this article is to retrace and reconstruct the process of formation of the paradoxical discourse in Tiantai’s exegesis of the translated Indian doctrinal literature. The main thesis, focusing on the works of Zhiyi, Zhanran, and Zhili, is that paradoxical discourse plays a crucial role in Tiantai’s “practice qua exegesis,” which is meant to lead the practitioner of Buddhist doctrine to wisdom, liberating her/his mind from its self-induced deceptions. An important clue to the formation process of Tiantai’s paradoxical discourse could be the ambiguous word “ji 即”, sometimes translated as “identical to” or “to approach to”, since the three Tiantai masters paid special attention to this term when elaborating the inner connection between contemplation of the mind and doctrinal exegesis, called “mutual complementariness between doctrine and contemplation” ( jiaoguan xiangzi 教觀相資) . In particular, Siming Zhili sought to highlight Tiantai’s interpretation of Buddhist doctrine, which he saw as superior to other Chinese schools, by arguing for a very specific understanding and use of this term that only the Tiantai masters have achieved in their own works. He summarizes its meaning in the following formula: “Each embodiment [of reality] entirely is the [opposite of itself]” (dangti quanshi 當體全是). In fact, this idiosyncratic statement epitomizes the main concern of the Tiantai masters because it implies the hermeneutic circle into which the practitioners’ understanding of the Buddhist teachings must enter: liberation from delusion means gaining full insight into all delusions, just as, conversely, such insight requires realizing liberation. To find an adequate approach to understanding the Tiantai usage of the term “ji” and its complex philosophical implications, the discussion focuses on Zhiyi’s perspective with specific reference to Siming Zhili’s later definition.
智顗;知禮; 當體詮釋; 即;悖論
Zhiyi;Zhili;dangti quanshi;ji;paradox