2022 / 4
pp. 1 - 28
Meaning and Controversy of Integrating Gender Equity Issue into Curriculum and Instruction and Their Implications for Teacher Education
楊巧玲 *
楊巧玲 *
學校該教什麼是課程研究與教學實務的核心議題,或稱文化戰爭,其底蘊 是對社會權力關係轉移之焦慮。本文採再概念化學派的觀點,聚焦在性別平等 教育被視為重大議題之一,納入正式課程、融入領域教學的政策與實施,藉由 歷史化以闡述其間意義、探究所引發的爭議。就前者而言,九年一貫課程改革 是性別平等教育議題從空無課程到正式課程之分水嶺,十二年國教新課綱則是 性別平等教育議題從獨立課綱到附屬領綱之轉捩點。就後者而論,從1998年《國 民教育階段九年一貫課程綱要總綱》至2014年《十二年國民基本教育課程綱要 總綱》,期間性平教育議題引發不少相關爭議,或在課程決定階段歷經掙扎, 或在實施之後備受挑戰,至少可分三個向度:課程位階的角力、性平概念的論 戰、教學實施的拉鋸。最後以重思在強調永續發展的當今性平教育對師資培育 有何啟示作結。
What schools should teach is a core focus of curriculum studies and teaching practices, a kind of "culture war" which connotes anxiety regarding shifting power relations in society. Utilizing the perspective of reconceptualization, this study explored gender equity education, related policies, its integration into formal curricula, and the surrounding controversy by historicizing its evolution. The Grade 1–9 Curriculum Reform moved gender equity education from the null curriculum into the formal curriculum, and the independent curriculum guidelines were reduced into an appendix of the curriculum guidelines for each subject in the 12-Year Basic Education system. During the transition from the Grade 1–9 Curriculum to the 12-Year Basic Education system, controversy emerged in three regards: (1) curricular status, (2) gender equity education, and (3) teaching practices. Some of these controversies emerged when the new curriculum was established, whereas others emerged only after it was implemented. This study concludes with a reconsideration of the significance of gender equity education for teacher education amid concerns regarding Sustainable Development Goals, one of which is gender equality.
reconceptualization, gender equity education, teacher preparation,curriculum reform, integration of issues