2022 / 4
pp. 155 - 186
網路溝通認知歷程行為模式初探 FB 和 Messenger 比較
Discovering Cognitive Patterns of Online Discussions on Facebook and Messenger
陳怡君 *
陳怡君 *
語言學習者利用網路工具進行跨文化交流已成為趨勢。但是,鮮少有針對 英語為外語大學生在課外進行自主同步與非同步跨文化討論情境中,探討與比 較其認知歷程模式異同之處。國際化思潮下,大學生能否獨立進行課堂外的自 主跨國互動有效溝通亦成為未來國際競爭力重要關鍵能力。因此,本研究目的 在分析台灣大一英文通識課程學生在課外和美國大學生進行同步與非同步跨文 化認知行為模式和學生觀點。學生網路討論內容、文化專題、學習反思、訪談 與教師觀察記錄皆收集為分析資料。根據實用探究模式與滯後序列分析的研究 結果顯示,參與學生在使用即時討論中有較多離題討論行為,而非即時訊息中 則有較多屬探究型討論。滯後序列分析結果發現,在即時討論中有較多序列呈 現有顯著行為轉換,學生意見則多肯定參與跨文化交流活動中所帶來正向英文 學習成果。
With the increased choice of tools for cross-cultural communication, little is known regarding students’ online discussion process, particularly their cognitive patterns in asynchronous and synchronous contexts. Therefore, the current study aimed to explore the effects of integrating literature circles, specifically students’ cognitive patterns and perceptions via Facebook Group and Facebook Messenger. Participating English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) students were trained in literature circle roles to enhance their reading skills for online communication. Topics for online communication were initially extended from in-class discussions to topics of individual interest. Qualitative and quantitative data were gathered and analyzed, including FB postings, student projects, reflections, interviews, and researcher’s field observations. A Practical Inquiry Model was used as the primary coding scheme to examine cognitive patterns across two modes of communication. Findings indicated that more off-topic discussion behaviors, followed by exploration, were observed on Messenger than on Facebook Group. More behavior sequences were also found on Messenger. Overall, participating students considered instructional scaffolding, increased cultural knowledge, language awareness, multi-modal communication strategies, and border crossing as strengths for the online communication experience. However, lack of timely response, scheduling conflict, and project-related difficulties were mentioned as weaknesses and challenges.
lag sequential analysis, online discussion, cognitive patterns