2020 / 9
pp. 243 - 302
Chainmail Patterns on Kraak Porcelain and Related Issues
謝明良 Ming-liang Hsieh *
(國立臺灣大學藝術史研究所 Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University)
謝明良 Ming-liang Hsieh *
國立臺灣大學藝術史研究所 Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University

明代後期,卡拉克瓷等陶瓷製品,經常可見以「人」字三叉形為單位的幾何紋飾。本文先是依據清代《皇朝禮器圖式》(1766年校補)確認這種紋飾在當時名為「鎖子」,進而指出鎖子紋也隨著中國瓷器的輸出影響及今荷蘭德爾夫特(Delft)或伊朗所燒製陶瓷的紋樣。這類鎖子紋樣在中國至遲可上溯七世紀陶俑的鎧甲彩繪,到了九世紀則成了佛教毘沙門天王常見的鎧甲形式,北宋李誡又將之做為宮室建築的裝飾圖紋收入其所編修的《營造法式》(1103)。另外,十七世紀以來,日本陶瓷頻見的鎖子紋飾也是受到中國陶瓷同類裝飾 的發而廣為流行。


In the late Ming dynasty, a geometrical pattern that comprises three-dimensional shapes resembling the 人 Chinese character can be found on ceramic products such as Kraak porcelain. This study first referred to the Regulations of the Imperial Household Department (annotation version of 1766) and confirmed that this pattern was named “chain mail” at the time. Next, it indicated that, with the exports of Chinese ceramics, the influence of this chainmail pattern extended to ceramics made in places such as Delft in present Netherlands or Iran. In China, this type of chainmail pattern can date back at the latest to the colored chainmail painting on pottery figurines in the 7th century, which later became a chainmail type commonly seen on Buddhist Bishamonten statues in the 9th century and included by Li Jie as a decorative pattern for imperial architecture into his Yingzhao Fashi (Treatise on Architectural Methods; 1103) in the Northern Song dynasty. In addition, the chainmail patterns frequently found on Japanese ceramics since the 17th century were also inspired by Chinese ware with similar decorations and then gained wide circulation.


卡拉克瓷; 瑣子甲; 瑣子紋; 毘沙門天像; 營造法式; 古九谷


Kraak porcelain; chain mail; chainmail pattern; Bishamonten statue; Yingzhao Fashi (Treatise on Architectural Methods); Ko-Kutani (old Kutani))