2022 / 6
pp. 1 - 53
土龍山傳奇── 滿洲國時期在地農民的抗日及其敘事
The Legend of Tulongshan: Resistance against Japanese Immigration in Manchukuo and its Narration
林志宏 *
林志宏 *

1934年3月10日在黑龍江省依蘭縣爆發「土龍山事件」,肇因於民眾不滿日本殖民當局強徵土地和沒收武器,以致有八虎力屯第五保保董謝文東組織「民眾救國軍」的反抗之舉。這場發生在滿洲國時期的武裝衝突,歷時數月,帶來深遠的影響,它不獨為一場單純的「民眾暴動」,更凸顯了日、滿雙方對殖民統治方針上的矛盾,也預示日後中國共產黨對東北政局的衝擊。 筆者從以下幾點釐清事件的始末及定位。首先,移民活動得到來自殖民者內部的挑戰。日本關東軍的試驗遭逢挫折,引發不少在滿日人的質疑。最具體之證例乃導致七名日系縣參事官不滿,認為與「民族協和」精神相違,於是公開反對和集體請辭。其次,滿洲國方面也有若干反彈聲浪,使日方終於在1935年4月設立「拓政科」,共同參與開拓殖民活動。後來滿方又積極爭取協調,在東京訂定「滿洲開拓基本要綱」。復次,一場由地方農民展開的抗日活動,轉為充滿意識形態的場域。中共打出「統一戰線」口號,吸收謝文東部隊成為「東北抗日聯軍」。滿洲國以掃蕩匪賊∕中國共產黨為訴求,進行軍事討伐,更在謝文東投降後予以大肆宣揚。戰爭結束後,謝文東卻因親近國民黨而遭共產黨活捉和處決。最後本文將檢視土龍山軼事於境外流傳情況,並探討其中代表的意涵。


The “Tulongshan Incident” broke out in Yilan (依蘭) county on March 10, 1934. Driven by local discontent with the Japanese colonial authorities’ land expropriations and confiscation of weapons, Bahuli village chief Xie Wendong (謝文東) organized the “People’s National Salvation Army” to resist. This armed uprising during the Manchukuo period (1932-1945) lasted for several months and had far-reaching consequences. Not merely a “popular uprising,” the Incident revealed contradictions between the Japanese and Manchukuo authorities over the principles of colonial rule, and also foreshadowed the later role of the Communist Party of China in the politics of northeastern China. This essay clarifies several issues concerning how the Incident unfolded and its significance. First, immigration became subject to challenge by the colonists themselves. Setbacks experienced by the Kwantung Army caused Japanese in Manchukuo to question colonial policy, with the most notable instance being the resignation of seven Japanese county councilors to publicly oppose what they viewed as violations of the spirit of “ethnic harmony.” Second, voices of opposition and discontent within Manchukuo led to the establishment of a government “Colonization Section” in April 1935 to jointly participate in colonial activities with Japan. Subsequently, Manchukuo authorities sought to actively coordinate with Japan and formulated the “Basic Outline for the Development of Manchukuo” in Tokyo. Third, what was an anti-Japanese movement launched by local farmers opened up a field of ideological contestation. Under the banner of the “United Front,” the CCP absorbed Xie Wendong’s forces, which became known as the “Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army,” while the Manchukuo state adopted bandit suppression/anti-Communism as a political objective, which Xie Wendong also promoted in newspapers and magazines after his surrender. Finally, the article examines how the Tulongshan Incident was recounted overseas, and what this legend reveals.




Tulongshan Incident, Manchukuo, Japanese imperialism, colonialism, Xie Wendong