2011 / 12
pp. 51 - 96
Transfers and Interactions among the Intellectual Communities of East Asian Chinese Character Culture Sphere: The Description of the Western Thinkers and the Meiji Restoration Intellectuals by Liang Qi Chao and Phan Bội Châu
羅景文 *
羅景文 *
東亞知識人究竟如何進行選擇、吸收、轉化、重組等一連串關於建構自身知識系統之思維活動,是饒富興味卻又不易處理的議題。本文試圖將焦點集中在近代中國及越南兩位重要的知識人──梁啟超(1873-1929)與潘佩珠(1867-1940),來觀察從梁啟超到潘佩珠所形成的「知識之流」中,某些「概念」的轉移變遷與重組再生。本文將探討他們對於西方思想家與日本維新人物的書寫,藉此理解東亞漢文化知識圈內知識傳遞與互動的樣態。 在這一場知識旅程裡,兩位知識人歷經了由西到東,從歐美與日本再到中國與越南的過程,吸納融混著中西日越的多方影響,並隨著現實處境的轉換更迭,展現出相應的面貌。這證明了東亞知識人與近代東亞歷史變革、政治局勢及文化思潮的多方交會與互動,在區域內呈現出複雜多元的互動關聯。相信這個例子,可以做為東亞知識人進出東亞知識渠道,以及東亞漢文化知識圈流動與互動的典型例證。
It’s interesting though difficult to understand how the East Asian intellectuals construct their own knowledge system in multiple ways. First, this essay focuses on two important East Asian intellectuals-Liang Qi Chao (梁啟超, Chinese) and Phan Bội Châu (潘佩珠, Vietnamese)- and considers their descriptions of Western thinkers and Meiji restoration intellectuals. By discussing the transition, recombination and reproduction of some conceptions by Liang Qi Chao and Phan Boi Chau, respectively, we will have a much clearer picture of knowledge transfers and interactions among the intellectual communities of East Asian Chinese character culture sphere. Second, by examining during this specific intellectual journey, this essay shows the greatness of their knowledge systems in which illustrates the interaction of knowledge-from the West to the East or from the Occident and Japan to China and Vietnam. Furthermore, they exhibit corresponding traits in step with the actual, changeable environment. On this basis, we can begin to understand the complicated interactions between the intellectual communities and modern history, politics and culture in the East Asia area.
East Asia; intellectuals and intellectual community;Liang Qi Chao (梁啟超); Phan Bội Châu (潘佩珠);reproduction