本研究旨在透過系統性文獻分析,回顧過去教育領域中利用教學實驗培養或促進學習者運算思維能力的實證研究,以瞭解近年相關研究的發展趨勢,並歸納在不同年分與不同教育程度中所涉及的教育環境、學科主題、運算思維面向與評量工具等面向。研究者於Web of Science(WoS)資料庫搜尋2020年1月到2023年7月的英文期刊論文,經有系統的篩選後,針對56篇文章進行分析。整體而言,研究中以正規教育環境為主要實驗環境,在學科主題則以程式設計及資訊科學為最多,且多數研究聚焦於幼稚園至國小階段學生,在運算思維面向中程序化為最多相關研究探討之主要面向,而評量方式以傳統測驗為最多。在年度分析方面,結果顯示運算思維應用於教學實驗相關研究的篇數逐年攀升,非資訊科學與非STEM之學科主題逐漸被重視。在教育程度方面,運算思維評量方式對於年紀越小之學生是採用傳統測驗,對於年紀越大者則採用問卷方式。本研究亦對於相關教學實踐與未來研究提供參考建議。
This study aimed to understand the state of educational empirical studies that employed instructional experiments to cultivate or enhance students' computational thinking skills through a systematic literature analysis. Additionally, it analyzed the educational environment, subject matters, computational thinking dimensions, and types of assessment methods across different years and educational levels. A total of 56 papers, from the years January 2020 to July 2023, were selected from the Web of Science (WoS) database and subjected to systematic analysis to address the research questions. Generally, the educational experiments in these studies were conducted within a formal educational environment as well as programming and computer science as the primary subject matter. The majority of the papers focused on samples from kindergarten to elementary school levels, and the key dimension of computational thinking explored was algorithm thinking. Traditional testing was the main assessment method employed to evaluate students' computational thinking skills. The analysis of yearly trends revealed an increasing number of papers discussing the application of computational thinking to teaching experiments, with a growing emphasis on non-STEM subject matter. In terms of school levels, traditional tests were used for younger students, while questionnaires were adopted for older students. This review paper concludes by providing suggestions for instructional practice and future studies.
文獻回顧 ; 教學實證研究 ; 運算思維
Literature Review ; Empirical Study ; Computational Thinking