2023 / 12
pp. 335 - 356
A Literature Review of Online Game-Assisted Programming Learning
(國立臺中科技大學 資訊管理系)
許雯絞 *
(國立臺中科技大學 資訊管理系)
(國立金門大學 華語文學系)
(國立臺中科技大學 資訊管理系)
國立臺中科技大學 資訊管理系
許雯絞 *
國立臺中科技大學 資訊管理系
國立金門大學 華語文學系
國立臺中科技大學 資訊管理系

許多國家已將學習程式設定為國家教育的重要政策之一,為了提高學習效果,在教學中導入遊戲式學習的案例有不斷增加的趨勢。遊戲式學習(game-based learning)以吸引人和有趣的方式,讓學習者主動建構學習的知識,被證明在學習上有正面的效果。科技技術的進步,加速數位化學習環境的建置,更有利於實現在線上遊戲式學習程式的目標。近年來已有許多相關的研究成果,值得有系統的回顧文獻,以總結重要的研究結果,作為後續研究的參考。本研究檢索了2014年1月到2023年2月間,在Web of Science(WoS)資料庫所收錄的期刊論文,側重於透過線上平臺進行遊戲式的程式學習,共篩選出60篇文章,並從六個構面進行分析:一、透過遊戲式學習的程式語言;二、線上遊戲式學習平臺的來源;三、線上遊戲式學習平臺與課程的整合;四、遊戲化元素的類型;五、實證研究資料收集方法;六、研究成效的評估指標。研究結果發現,Java是最常被用來研究透過遊戲式學習的語言,線上遊戲式學習平臺以作者團隊自行開發者居多,大部分的研究都在正式課程中進行實驗,遊戲化元素以獎勵型最為常見,又以點數使用頻率最高。問卷仍是實證研究最多被使用的資料收集方法,97.6%的評估指標調查結果顯示線上遊戲式平臺是輔助學習程式有效的工具。


Many countries have made learning programming one of the essential policies in national education. The trend of integrating game learning into teaching is becoming increasingly apparent to improve learning efficiency. Game-based learning, which engages learners appealingly and enjoyably, enables them to construct knowledge actively and has been proven by many scholars to affect learning positively. The advancement of technology has accelerated the establishment of digital learning environments, making it even more conducive to learning programming in a gamified manner online. In recent years, many relevant studies have been published, and it is worthwhile to systematically review the literature and summarize essential research findings for future reference. In this study, a review was conducted on journal articles collected from the Web of Science (WoS) database between January 2014 and February 2023. These articles focused on gamified programming learning conducted through online platforms. Sixty papers were selected and analyzed from six perspectives: (1) Programming languages for learning; (2) Sources of online game-based learning platforms; (3) Integration of online game-based learning platforms with courses; (4) Types of gamification elements; (5) Data collection methods; (6) Research effectiveness evaluation indicators. The study results found that Java is the language most commonly used to study learning through gamification. Most of the online game platforms are self-developed by author teams. Most of the research is conducted in formal courses. The most commonly used gamification elements are reward-based, and points are used most frequently. Questionnaires are still the most widely used survey method in empirical research, and 97.6% of the evaluation index survey results show that online game-based platforms are practical tools to assist learning programs.






Literature ReviewProgrammingAssisted LearningOnline Game