2024 / 3
pp. 33 - 61
Investigating the Impact of Drawing-Oriented Scientific Modeling-Based Instruction on Model Building and Systems Thinking Competence among Sixth-Grade Elementary Students
李文瑜 *
李文瑜 *

科學教育中的重要目標之一是協助學生在科學學習中建立有系統的思維模式,並培 養學生透過科學模型建立建構科學概念。本研究之目的為探討兩種建模教學活動對學生模 型建立及系統思考能力之影響。研究對象為國小六年級兩個班級,共58位學生,採用「以 建模為中心的教學序列」(model-centered instructional sequence)進行教學設計,並融入「促 進繪圖教學介入」之方法。學生分為兩個實驗組,模型建立分別使用紙本概念圖建模及電 腦動態概念圖建模兩種方式,教學時數各為16節。在學生模型的部分,以重複量數單因子 變異數進行分析,結果顯示,兩組學生於教學前、中、後的三次模型,在「要素量」以及 「要素間關係」都有顯著進步。再以初始模型為共變數進行單因子共變數分析比較兩組間 的差異情形,結果顯示兩組在第二次模型「要素量」並無顯著差異,在「要素間關係」紙 本概念圖建模組表現優於電腦動態概念圖建模組;兩組在最終模型的「要素量」及「要素 間關係」表現上,紙本概念圖建模組皆優於電腦動態概念圖建模組。本研究要素是指科學 模型中基本的部件,科學模型是由要素及要素間關係的連結形成。在系統思考能力進步情 形方面,以t檢定進行分析,結果顯示兩組的系統思考能力在教學前後皆有顯著提升。兩 組間差異的部分則進行單因子共變數分析,結果顯示電腦動態概念圖建模組在系統思考總 體能力表現優於紙本概念圖建模。由研究結果顯示,本研究所設計的建模教學,有助於學 生模型建立的完整性及系統思考能力的提升,在模型建立的完整性部分,以紙本概念圖建 模方式較優,而在系統思考能力的提升上,電腦動態概念圖建模則具有較好的效果。本研 究對於未來建模教學以及使用電腦輔助教學亦提出建議。


One of the important objectives of science education is to assist students in developing systematic thinking patterns and to cultivate the construction of scientific concepts through scientific modeling. The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of two types of modeling- based instructional activities on students’ model building and systems thinking competence. The subjects were two sixth-grade classes, totaling 58 students. The teaching units utilized a “model-centered instructional sequence” for teaching design, and integrated “drawing-to- learn instructional intervention” approaches. The students were divided into two experimental groups, with model building using either paper-based concept maps or computer-based dynamic concept maps. Each teaching unit lasted 16 teaching periods. In terms of student models, repeated measures of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used for analysis, showing that both groups made significant progress in “element quantity” and “relationships between elements” in the three models before, during, and after teaching. A one-way Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) with the initial model as a covariate was conducted to compare differences between the two groups. The results showed no significant difference in “element quantity” in the second model between the two groups, but the paper-based conceptual map modeling group outperformed the computer-based dynamic conceptual map modeling group in “relationships between elements”; in the final model, the paper-based group was superior to the computer-based group in both “element quantity” and “relationships between elements.” In this study, elements refer to the basic components of scientific models, which are formed by elements and the relationships among them. Regarding the promotion of systems thinking competence, a t-test analysis showed that the systems thinking competence of both groups significantly improved after teaching. A one-way ANCOVA was conducted to examine the differences between the two groups, showing that the computer-based dynamic concept map modeling group had a better overall performance in systems thinking competence than the paper-based concept map modeling group. The results indicate that the modeling teaching designed in this study helps enhance the comprehensiveness of student model building and their systems thinking abilities. In terms of the differences between the two groups, the paper-based concept map modeling method was superior, while for the systems thinking competence, the computer-based dynamic concept map modeling method showed better results. The study also provides suggestions for future modeling-based instruction and the use of computer-assisted teaching.


系統思考; 科學建模教學; 電腦建模


Systems Thinking; Scientific Modeling-Based Instruction; Computer-Supported Modeling