《台灣語言學期刊》(TJL ISSN: 1729-4649 (print), 1994-2559 (online))由國立政治大學語言學研究所管理編輯並發行,由文鶴出版社出版。為具有同儕審查制度之國際型期刊。本刊每年出版一卷,每卷兩期,分別於春、秋兩季(一月及七月)以中英文出刊。本刊採開放取用(open access)模式,免費開放作者投稿及大眾取閱。本刊之創立由何萬順教授促成。2002年秋季,時任政大語言所所長之何萬順教授期望在台灣本地出版國際型的專業語言學期刊,遂向文鶴出版社提案。文鶴為台灣語言學領域之主要出版社及發行商,該社隨後即與政治大學達成正式合作協議。本刊自創刊伊始即受政大與國家科學及技術委員會(簡稱國科會,即前科技部)之款項補助。《台灣語言學期刊》於2003年上半年首度出刊,每年定期出版。2004年,本刊推出專題論文系列(monograph series)並向國際徵稿,同年出版本期刊之第一本專題論文。2005年,本刊推出中文語言學專書系列(book series),並於2006年出版第一部。至今專書系列的每部皆榮獲科技部人文社會科學研究中心之出版補助。刊亦收錄於 SCOPUS、ESCI、MLA Directory Periodicals、CSA Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts、Linguistics Abstracts、Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)、Taiwan Open Access Journals (TOAJ) 及 EBSCO host 等國際知名索引資料庫,同時也被國內引文索引如 THCI Core 核心期刊、TCI、Airiti 及 TECP 等收錄為重要核心期刊。本刊目前亦申請納入 SSCI 和 AHCI 中。
紙本期刊訂閱請洽文鶴出版社黃小姐:sylvia@crane.com.tw/ +886-2-2293-4497
Taiwan Journal of Linguistics (TJL ISSN: 1729-4649 (print), 1994-2559 (online)) is a peer-reviewed international journal of linguistics published by Crane Publishing. Its editorship is under the governance of the Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Chengchi University (NCCU). TJL is published in one volume per year, consisting of a spring issue (January) and a fall issue (July). TJL is entirely open access, with no charges to authors or readers. The idea of an international professional linguistics journal published in Taiwan was first proposed to Crane Publishing, the leading publisher and bookseller in the area of linguistics in the country, by Professor One-Soon Her, the then chair of the Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Chengchi University, in the fall of 2002. A formal agreement was then reached between Crane and NCCU and a proper infrastructure established. TJL has been financially backed since by grants from the National Chengchi University and the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) (previously Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)). The first issue of TJL appeared in the first half of 2003 and it has been published regularly ever since. In 2004, TJL also launched its monograph series with an international call for manuscripts. Its first monograph was published in the same year. In 2005, TJL launched the Book Series in Chinese Linguistics and the fist volume was published in 2006. So far all the volumes in the Book Series have won a prestigious grant from MOST’s Research Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences. TJL is indexed by many international databases, including SCOPUS, ESCI, MLA Directory Periodicals, CSA Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts, Linguistics Abstracts, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Taiwan Open Access Journals (TOAJ), and EBSCO host. TJL is also indexed in many domestic databases in Taiwan, such as THCI Core, TCI, Airiti, and TECP. TJL is now also in the process of applying for inclusion in SSCI and AHCI.
For an electronic subscription, please contact tjl.editors@gmail.com.
For a subscription of hardcopies, please contact Miss Sylvia Huang: sylvia@crane.com.tw / +886-2-2293-4497
《台灣語言學期刊》為鑽石開放取用期刊,所有文章皆可自由下載,使用者及所屬單位無需支付任何費用。根據《布達佩斯公開取用倡議》(Budapest Open Access Initiative,BOAI)訂定的開放取用原則,使用者得自由閱讀、下載、複製、散布、列印、檢索或連結全文內容,無需另外取得出版社及作者同意。本刊亦採用創用CC BY-NC-ND 4.0條款,使用者不得對著作進行任何方式的改變,亦不得為商業目的之使用。作者仍保有刊登文章之著作權。提醒文章作者:《台灣語言學期刊》為鑽石開放取用期刊,並無要求任何投稿費或文章處理費用。作者及讀者均不須支付任何相關費用。《台灣語言學期刊》不僅為DOAJ(Directory of Open Access Journals)所收錄,且2022年11月率先加入由國家科學及技術委員會建置的「臺灣學術期刊開放取用平台」(TOAJ),提供讀者更多的閱覽管道,也確保期刊論文的永續典藏。本刊致力於無償提供知識產出與散播之平台,歡迎您透過投稿與引用本刊文獻來支持並提升《台灣語言學期刊》的品質。
Taiwan Journal of Linguistics (TJL) is a diamond open access journal and thus all content is freely available without charge to users or their institutions. In accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition of open access, users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in TJL without prior permission from the publisher or the author. TJL is also licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0, which prohibits any modifications to the work and its use for commercial purposes. Authors retain the copyright of all their published papers. An important note to authors: As a diamond open access journal, TJL does not impose any article processing charges (APC) or submission fees. The process is completely free of charges to both authors and readers. TJL is included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). More importantly, in November 2022 TJL was the first to join the Taiwan Open Access Journals (TOAJ), established by the National Science and Technology Council. This not only provides readers with more access channels but also further ensures the sustainable preservation of journal articles. At TJL we aim to make knowledge production, dissemination, and consumption as free as possible. We welcome your support by citing and promoting TJL publications and also submitting your papers to TJL.