第6卷 第2期
2023 / 9
pp. 1 - 60
探究 ARCS 動機模式結合「配對合作學習」與 「實作範例學習」對學習者學習動機與成效之影響
Effects of Integrating the ARCS Motivation Model into Paired Cooperative Learning and Worked Example Learning on Learning Motivation and Outcome
林素穗 Su-Sui Lin *
(修平科技大學數位媒體設計系助理教授 Assistant Professor, Department of Digital Media Design, Hsiuping University of Science and Technology)
林素穗 Su-Sui Lin *
修平科技大學數位媒體設計系助理教授 Assistant Professor, Department of Digital Media Design, Hsiuping University of Science and Technology

企業對網站設計人才需求若渴,但研究者在技職教學現場卻發現數位媒體設計系初學者普遍認為網頁設計基礎課程非常困難,感到害怕恐懼外,自信心與學習動機亦普遍低落。所以,本研究運用ARCS動機模 式融入配對合作學習與實作範例作為學習策略,試圖解決教學現場發現之問題。研究對象為39位私立科技大學修習網頁設計基礎必修課程的學生,研究採單組前測—後測設計,為期12週。研究工具有ARCS學習動機量表、網頁設計基礎學習實作評量與學習者課後回饋問卷。研究結果 發現:一、根據ARCS動機模式編寫的課程教材,以ARCS動機模式感官吸引要素設計的教學活動並結合「配對合作學習」與「實作範例學 習」作為教學策略與方法,能有效吸引學生注意並讓其了解課程與自己 切身相關,同時建立信心並使得其能獲得滿意,亦可提升學習動機;二、ARCS動機模式結合「配對合作學習」與「實作範例學習」,對學生而言能夠提升其學習成效。研究過程中也發現學生若利用教師提供的實作範例進行學習,可能造成創意不足的情況,建議未來可融入相關激盪創意的教學策略。


Web design skills are currently in high demand. However, the researcher at the vocational education level have observed that novice university students in the digital media design department generally perceive introductory webpage design courses as exceptionally challenging, which engenders fear and apprehension in these students. Furthermore, they exhibit low levels of confidence and learning motivation. Therefore, this study integrated the ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction) motivation model (as a set of instructional strategies) into paired cooperative learning and worked example learning to address the problems identified in the teaching environment. This one-group, pretestposttest study included 39 students taking a mandatory introductory Webpage design course at a private technological university. The study duration was 12 weeks. The research instruments were as follows: an ARCS motivation scale, a basic webpage design practical learning assessment, and a learner feedback questionnaire. The results revealed that curricula developed on the basis of the ARCS motivation model, instructional activities designed using sensory appeal elements drawn from the ARCS motivation model, and the use of paired cooperative learning and worked example learning as teaching strategies effectively captured the students’ attention, causing them to relate the course content with their own experiences and enhancing their confidence, satisfaction, and learning motivation. The integration of the ARCS motivation model into paired cooperative learning and worked example learning improved learning outcomes. We noted that the use of supplied worked examples for learning was associated with a potential lack of creativity in the students. Future instruction modules should be designed by incorporating strategies that foster creativity.


ARCS動機模式、配對合作學習、實作範例學習、學習動機、 學習成效


ARCS motivation model, paired cooperative learning strategies, worked examples, learning motivation, learning outcome