臺灣大學生「很會考試但是不敢開口說話」的英文學習困境時有所聞。當被要求使用英文進行課堂討論、意見發表或是簡報演說時,口說焦慮常會導致臨場表現的失常或是不如預期。許多研究均指出,情意策略的掌握有助於改善口說焦慮,然而,探討情意策略之教學模式如何影響口說焦慮的實證研究則較有限。本研究探討如何透過情意策略之顯性教學介入降低中、低成就英語學習者的口說焦慮。本研究屬於準實驗設計,鎖定一門強調口語訓練及簡報技巧之大學英文課,結合量化分析和質性調查,探討顯性教學的介入對於降低學習者公開演說焦慮之影響。共有107位學生參與調查,實驗組有69位,對照組有38位,以「是否有情意策略之顯性教學介入」為自變項,學生的口說焦慮程度變化為依變項,利用公開演說焦慮自評量表測量兩組學生在修課前、後焦慮指數的變化。統計結果顯示,實驗組口說焦慮指數獲得顯著改善;對照組的焦慮指數變化並不顯著;透過比較兩組組間的焦慮指數變化,發現顯性教學的介入可更有效地降低學習者的口說焦慮。本研究進一步透過師生訪談與教學評量之文字回饋,探討實驗組學生對於相關教學介入的認知、 經驗及個人感受,藉此釐清個別教學活動對於降低學生口說焦慮的影響。研究發現,除了有助於授課教師修正未來的課程設計,亦能驗證相關顯性教學策略在實際課堂上的可操作性,研究成果可提供有意提升學生口語表達自信的教師作為參考。
This article discusses how to mitigate the speaking anxiety of English learners with medium-to-low proficiency levels by teaching affective strategies through explicit instruction. This quasi-experimental study was based on a college English course that emphasized oral training and presentation skills. Quantitative surveys and interviews were conducted to investigate the effects of explicit instruction on learners’ public speaking anxiety (PSA). This study included 107 students, who were divided into an experimental group (n = 69) and a control group (n = 38). The independent variable was the teaching of affective strategies through explicit instruction. The Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety scale was used to measure the changes in PSA over a semester. Statistical results revealed that PSA was significantly alleviated in the experimental group but not in the control group, indicating that the teaching intervention effectively reduced the learners’ PSA. To clarify the effects of this intervention on PSA, the researcher analyzed the learners’ cognition, experiences, and personal feelings through interviews and written comments collected from the end-of-semester teaching evaluation. The findings may help instructors revise future course designs and validate the applicability of specific teaching strategies in real classrooms. This study may serve as a reference for teachers who intend to boost their students’ confidence in oral expression.
public speaking anxiety, English as a foreign language, affective strategy, explicit instruction, empirical study