國際教育愈發重視思考之於學習的重要性,然而,研究者發現教學現場常見學習者缺乏批判思考的能力,而教學者也未必明確融入思考於教學。故本研究參考「可視化思考」(visible thinking)教學法,融入臺灣某大學英文電影議題課程,採質性研究取徑之行動研究進行教學實踐研究,以解決思考不可見的問題,研究問題有二:一、可視化思考融入英文電影議題分析的課程中,學生的議題分析表現如何?;二、英文電影議題課程進行中,教師如何因應學生的學習表現調整可視化思考之教學方式?本研究主要關切四個思考能力:說明與詮釋、以證據展開推論、建立連結、考量多元觀點。蒐集學生電影議題分析寫作、前後測思考自評問卷,綜合分析結果顯示,可視化思考教學法融入課堂對學習者的思考技巧表現有正面的影響,轉變較明顯的是「說明與詮釋」、「以證據展開推論」,「建立連結」次之,而改變最小的是「考量多元觀點」。本研究為行動研究的第一個循環,最大的貢獻在於提出將可視化思考教學法實踐於高等教育語言課堂的行動方案,並探討教學者如何因應學習表現動態調整可視化思考的教學方式,提供未來對可視化思考教學法,或是思考融入教學有興趣的研究者或教學者參考。
The importance of integrating the teaching of critical thinking into curricula has gained increasing attention in recent years. To resolve the problems associated with teachers not providing explicit guidance on thinking and students lacking critical thinking skills, which are common in higher education, the researchers conducted action research by integrating a visible thinking strategy into the curriculum of our college-level English movie discussion course. The aim was to evaluate students’ performance in movie analysis after the integration of visible thinking into their course and clarify how teachers adapted to this approach. The intervention was administered in a class of 12 students over a period of 18 weeks. The students’ written analyses of movies and their self-evaluation responses in a thinking skillrelated survey were analyzed. Interview data, observation notes, teaching logs, and students’ in-class assignments were analyzed to obtain insights from the teaching adaptation. The analysis of data revealed a positive effect of the approach on the learners’ thinking skills. The highest levels of improvement were noted in the skills related to explaining and interpreting, and reasoning with evidence, followed by making connections. By contrast, the lowest level of improvement was observed in the skill pertaining to considering different viewpoints. We further recommend strategies through which educators can adopt visible thinking approaches. The significance of our study lies in its innovative curriculum integrating visible thinking into a higher education English course and its implications. This study was the first stage in action research cycle. Our findings may guide educators or researchers interested in curricula integrating visible thinking.
visible thinking, making thinking visible, thinking routines, thinking moves