第7卷 第2期
2024 / 12
pp. 43 - 89
Design and Efficacy of a Plan for Teaching Taiwanese Names
蔡美慧 Mei-hui Tsai *
(國立成功大學外國語文學系教授 Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Cheng Kung University)
蔡美慧 Mei-hui Tsai *
國立成功大學外國語文學系教授 Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Cheng Kung University

稱喚學生名字是課堂互動之起點,於大學台語課堂現場,以台語稱喚卻困難重重。是以本研究以漢字識讀與發音教學原則及鷹架理論為基礎,設計「台語名字教案」—包含了「台語自介詞記憶法」與「台語名字稱喚空間設計」。此教案的實踐場域為筆者的線上台語演講課,本研究評量此實踐之成效、相關因子,以及台語名字於課堂的實際使用情形。透過比較兩學期50位學生於教學前後的問卷填寫,以及分析學生於課堂分組互動的對話,本研究的主要結果如下:學生於教學前後以台語自介名字的頻率與信心均有顯著提升(p < .001);影響學生於教學前使用台語自介名字的頻率與信心程度的最強因素為「公共場所講台語頻率」(p < .05,調整後預測力分別為23%與39.6%);期初稱喚次數顯著高於期末(p < .001);台語名字稱喚詞使用率顯著高於華語稱喚詞(99.1% vs. 0.9%),台語伴與擔任組長的學生其使用率顯著遠高於一般學生(p = .001、p < .001);名字稱喚的主要情境為主要確認參與者身分、參與狀態、指派分組任務、指派發言、評論他人。總而言之,本教案可有效提升大學生於台語相關課程中使用台語名字彼此稱喚的信心與實際使用頻率。


Introducing one’s name in the target language is fundamental to social interactions but is challenging in Taiwanese classrooms. This study sought to promote college students’ use of Taiwanese names when referring to each other in the classroom. On the basis of the core principles of teaching Chinese words and scaffolding theory, a teaching plan comprising mnemonic lines for self-introduction and a discourse space for referring to each other was designed; this plan was implemented in an online Taiwanese speech course for college students. Questionnaire surveys were conducted both before and after the intervention. Participant names used in group sessions were analyzed to evaluate the efficacy of the teaching plan. The postintervention survey from 50 students indicated that their confidence in and frequency of self-introduction using Taiwanese names are significantly improved (p < .001). These two parameters were strongly correlated with their frequency of speaking Taiwanese in the public domain. The discursive practice of using Taiwanese names was preferred over the use of Mandarin names (99.1% vs. 0.9%). The use of Taiwanese names was significantly more frequent among language partners and group leaders than among general students (p = .001 and p < .001, respectively). Notably, the frequency of using Taiwanese names was significantly higher in the first half of the semester than in the second half. The main contexts for personal references include confirming the participants’ identities, participation status, assigning group tasks, managing turn-taking, and commenting on others. Overall, the aforementioned teaching plan can effectively promote students’ use of Taiwanese names.




teaching plan for Taiwanese names, mnemonic lines of self-introduction, discourse space for person reference, Taiwanese revival, name and identity